Nov 04, 2004 19:06
I just downloaded a much more Spinal Tap. Hilarity
I really should be doing my English Paper now. Like, its due tommarow, and i havent touched it.I was thinking about doing it, and then i said to myself, what that fuck, procrastinate longer. It's due tommarow fourth block, not tonight at 11. Maximize your time, not minimize it.
I have a chem lab due tommarow too. Plus about a bagillion and a half pages of reading to do. This I only kinda dont want to do. Who nees sleep, it'll be friday tommarow , drop that.
In spanish we had a sub. It twas easy. We did flashcards for half the class, and then watched destinos for the other half. That stupid show is so bad. I could maybe handle 1 episode at a time, but two, wow, why dont you just rename the show, "Let Ryan take a nap". At least then i wouldent get in trouble for the schleepage.
In advisory me and bob went all around the school to do stuff. He dropped off his bio thing. I got food so i could record the nutrition on my gym homework. Then i listned to Sarah's Alice in Chain's CD. It was okay, all their songs sound really alike. Whatever. She's seen spinaltap. She even owns it. Hot stuff
Lunch was pretty good. Steve and schwartz payed me back for those gatorade's i bought them. I had pizza, it was an abnormally large slice.
Gym was mad good. We had a sub, he was pretty cool. Before class, there was this ball sitting in the middle of the gym, so me and luke just started to bounce it to each other. We made it so X-Treme. There was even alternitive rock playing in the backround from the radio in the gym. Then the teacher walked in and we left. We played some stupid tag games at first. Me and luke proceeded to bounce the ball around and then run away when tagging people came. Then we played crazy kickball. I, of course, dominated once again, because im just that good at everything.
In 10X mrs. Bintz wasent there, so it was soooooooo much better. We asnwered a bunch of questions at first. Then we did other stuff. then we watched a clip from Timeline. Then we read some of timeline. The end.
It was hailing afterschool. You dont know hail until youve been pelted with golf ball sized ones. I, of course, walked out to the bus and waited for it in my trademark shorts and mandals. Expect the same from me for many cold days to come.
I stole someone in my houses slippers. Theyre kinda small, but my feet were really cold. Now they're warm. I walk around my house in a lacrosse sweatshirt, snowman pants, and two different slippers. Now thats cool.