Well, It's about time I posted another.

Dec 21, 2004 22:08

Things that have happened since my last post:
My Team was Hit with a VBIED*. 3 people were injured. The Driver, who managed to avoid any shrapnel or fire, was hit by the vehicle behind his truck that swerved to avoid the blast. He suffered a broken leg (in several places) and had to be evacuated to Germany. The passenger suffered minor shrapnel wounds and was alright. The Interpreter (sitting behind the passanger) suffered a cuncussion. After that, the team was peppered with small arms for for a solid 10 minutes. Theres bullet holes in our truck. No on was hit, on either side. That happened a little while i ago. It was my day off so I wasn't involved.
Rockets. Alot of Fucking Rockets. Tonight we had one. Then when our guys went to go look at the launch site, the bastards blew up an IED, luckily, they're really bad at hit and failed to do any damage.
Internet Down. My fucking internet won't cooperate. So, I'm backed up on e-mail and LJ and Ogame. Wich sucks, cuz someone crashed my fleet (if you don't know, it's a stupid addictive online game). Sorry to teh wifey for being out of communitcation as a result of it.
I got in trouble. I'm not gonna explain the whole thing, just know that i got in trouble for something that really wasn't my fault... and I'm pissed.
I'm the Man at Tiger Woods Golf 2004. hands down.
I hate the Army. I hate Bush More. I hate Extentions the most.
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