Monday - took my telescope out, used the new computer for the first time.
Tuesday - Stayed home late planning to call into the telecon meeting. Phone system wouldn't let me into the system via my VoIP.
Wednesday - Had a meeting regarding project status and everything. I got an award for 5,000 Rupees.
Thursday -
Friday -
Saturday - went to Bear Brook State Park to hike/camp. I did a 3 mile hike after I set up my tent and went to write but had writers block. When it started to get dark I went to grab my headtorch to do a small night hike but it was missing *sigh*. The only thing I hated about the trip was setting up the tent in the rain. I have no problem hiking in the rain.
Sunday woke up and went to gemmintheruff and J's house. sassenach1970 was there as well. I hung out and geeked a little with J. I need to get a nice real CCD for my telescope. My DSI and DSLR camera's really don't provide what I need.