So I was considering to update. There is nothing much interesting. Today I bought the new Coldplay CD, X&Y. I was skeptical whether this new buy is worth it not. I am listening to it right now. So far so good; but I have a feeling that I liked the other ones a little better. They were what made Coldplay special and so unique.
Anyway I have been so busy with classes. I just had a Genetics midterm. I had studied quite a lot. I knew all I needed to know for the exam. I thought the exam was quite tricky and somewhat tough. The concepts were not hard but time-consuming. Thus 1 hour was not enough for 37 questions. Anyway I hope I did fine.
My Biology lab sucks big time. I am taking 3 biology classes. Of three, I only like the Genetics class. The other are Cell biology and Microbiology. I hate them both. You do nothing but cramp long words in your head. This two classes have pretty much killed my idea to major in Biochemistry. Recently I have been considering Bionformatics. Honestly I dont even know where this is gonna end up. I think I will take a programming class next term to see how interesting I am in Computer Science.
It has been nasty hot and humid here. I thought I was getting away from Ames weather but it is almost like Ames. We do not have AC in our residence. Fortunately, a friend of mine came to my rescue and lend me his fan. God bless his soul for keeping me cool. Haha.
My chemistry class is good. It is hard but I like the material. I have a final exam for the lab this week. I heard the lab exams in science are strange and tough. Who knows?!!
Anyway. I dont feel like this is summer. It is just hardwork. There are no emotions. No feelings. No time to look around and see the changes around you. After all , this is University of Waterloo.