Title: Ianto's Secret
Pairing/Warning/Rating: No pairings or warnings, rated G
Word Count: 258
Summary: Owen leans a secret Ianto had been trying to keep hidden.
Author's Note: Written for
rustydog's prompt from my recent writing meme.
Author's Note#2: Now with a remix!
Good Company (The Greenhouse remix) by
lilfluffykitten (
Of course, it would have to be Owen who’d finally overheard him... )
“You’re lonely. They’re plants.”
Great line. It just works. :)
Ianto's not wrong, though, plants *are* good confidants. ::nods::
(Whoops, wasn't finished - ) Thank you! And hey, you are really going to town with these prompt fics!
eta- I'm trying! And it's fun! :) With the right prompts anything is possible!!!
Maybe the plants do hold their own attraction for him. *g*
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