Rainy Days

Feb 20, 2017 11:25

It's currently 57 degrees (13.8 celcius) outside and utterly pouring- sheets of rain coming down. There is so many things wrong with that, it's not even funny. I live in Minnesota, it's supposed to be 27/28 maybe with tons of snow. We've only shoveled three or four times all winter, and other than in shady patches and where there were huge piles, the snow is completely gone. But climate change isn't a thing. *sigh* I've been able to open the windows some so the cats are happy though, so, bright side?

Frustratingly, I haven't enjoyed the last two Lethal Weapon episodes. Two weeks ago the subplot was with the Murtaugh's teen daughter (who is supposed to be 16, I think? The brother is off to college next fall and I believe she's supposed to be younger) getting upset that when she was late getting home her parents called the friend who's house she was supposed to be at and found out she wasn't there and stayed up to confront her about it. ...which I was like... yes? Of course they did? That's what responsible parents do? And then when snooping among her things (which, admittedly, was wrong) they find a fake ID of hers claiming she's over 21 and the daughter practically blows a gasket. And it's presented as if the PARENTS were in the wrong and unreasonable about being upset. (The dad is a cop and mom a lawyer and even if they *weren't* the kid is STILL BREAKING THE LAW). We eventually find out daughter is DJing and needs the ID to get into the clubs where she's working and the parents come and watch her work and isn't everything all hunky dory? (Ugh, NO. First, the job is illegal and off the books since her ID is fake and no way those types or parents would allow that for many, many reasons including they could be libel and it'd mess with their taxes and why aren't they upset she's been lying and what is she doing with the money she's earning and and and...) And, meanwhile the main plot involved the shrink, Cahill, having a stalker (which wasn't a great plot to start with but then ends with Riggs saving her life and then, when she feels due to the events that happened she can't be objective and treat him anymore he THREATENS TO JUMP OFF HER BALCONY to force her to change her mind and keep him as a patient. WTF?

This week's was slightly better and saw the return of Hilarie Burton's DEA agent character which led to Murtaugh and Avery basically trying to shove her and Riggs together. The man is still grieving his wife, he's started baby steps to getting past the worst of it (vague attempts at sobriety) but he has a ways to go before attempting any kind of relationship... I just wish the show let him grieve and cut it with the romantic crap. Not everyone needs to be in a relationship/flirting/whatever to be happy.

Ugh ugh ugh. I was SO into this show and now.... *sighs some more*

The list of shows I've tried/given up on keeps growing (and groaning, I guess, which is what I mistakenly typed first). Powerless, This is Us, Blindspot, Blacklist, Arrow, Flash, Supergirl, Magicians, and others? I know I'm forgetting a ton. There's also People of Earth which I watched some of and liked it well enough, but keep forgetting it exists.

I'm liking Sleepy Hollow's new season, which is a nice surprise. Every fandom space I've found *hates* it though, mostly as blowback for Abbie's fate as opposed to anything actually airing from what I can tell. Grimm's last season is... bad. There's no other word for it. But, like I have with other shows, the end is so close I'm sticking it out. Lucifer's most recent twist was.. well, not what I hoped for, but it's currently on break so we'll see where it goes with it when it returns. DC's Legends of Tomorrow is floundering, the camp can no longer cover for the plotting and acting issues. John Barrowman is *awful* in DCTV. Sorry, John, I loved your Jack Harkness, but everything since then has been a huge disappointment and borderline terrible.

Timeless has only one more episode this season with no renewal word, here's hoping it has an acceptableish 'ending' that'll work as series or season finale.

Oh! There's been an update to that adorable story about the Muslim and Jewish families who were photographed protesting next to one another at O'Hare airport (my previous post about it). The families did get together for that dinner and apparently had a lovely time. *sniffles happily*

This entry was originally posted at http://donutsweeper.dreamwidth.org/509829.html. Please comment where you wish.
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