Title: Goddamn Stupid Rainbows
Fandom/Rating: Sherlock (BBC), rated G
Word Count: 221(b)
It wouldn't have been as bad if it weren't for that damn song.
Author's Note: Written for
watsons_woes JWP#21.
The song for the prompt.
Greg stood back, out of the way of the wires and whatnot but close enough to provide moral support, while John worked on dismantling the jukebox enough to get to the bomb underneath.
"This song is going to give me nightmares," he commented eventually as Make Me Rainbows came to an end only to have the arm shift back to the starting position and begin play the song yet again.
"Could be worse," John said around the tinsnips he held in his mouth.
"Dick Van Dyke was the main character in the movie, yeah? Could be him singing it instead of whoever this is. Can't say I remember 'Fitzwilly' at all, wonder if he tried an accent for it?"
"I've actually met people who think we all talk like he did in Mary Poppins. Can you imagine if he'd sung this song like that?"
John actually laughed. "That would definitely be worse! Then again, maybe we wouldn't think this as bad as we do if it weren't for the endless repeating, the being trapped in here, or the bomb."
"True. Bombs have a tendency to put a damper on things." Greg nodded sagely.
"Alright, it's been disengaged, cut the power."
Greg unplugged the jukebox. "Star-spangled rainbo-"
"Oh, thank god," John muttered at the sudden silence.
"So…. no boom?"
"No boom."