Title: The Fortunate Storm
Fandom/Rating: Sherlock Holmes (ACD canon), rated G
Word Count: 100 words
They were merely taking refuge from the storm, nothing more.
Author's Note: Written for
watsons_woes JWP#13 and as a result of
capt_facepalm's bribe.
The rain began suddenly, without warning. One moment they had been meandering down the path and the next they were soaked to the skin and running for whatever cover they could find. The potter's shed was a fortuitous discovery on numerous levels, as it was dry, but also enabled the men a kind of privacy rare to come by in the post-Wilde world. As wet as they were, their clothes had to be removed, and huddling together under the lone blanket a prudent action considering the chill and lack of a fire. It was all completely innocent in nature. Truly.