Dear Yuletide writer

Nov 13, 2010 22:00

First off a HUGE thank you for writing! Overall, I'd really like if you have fun with this story and write something you'd like to read yourself. Stories that make me happy tend to concentrate on the characters being in character and acting and speaking like they would on the show and lean towards the gen side of things. But overall, I love all three of these fandoms and would be thrilled to read any story written for them

New Amsterdam (tv) John Amsterdam, Omar York

Father and son interaction between the two please. Either subtly like we saw in the pilot when John gets Omar out of trouble with his bookie by making a desk or something more overt. Or about the problems of an immortal having a child, and the child gets older and older while the parent doesn't age. Gen please.

New Amsterdam only lasted eight episodes, but it should have been more. Luckily they are all up at Hulu so they didn't disappear completely. I loved how at first we thought Omar was just a bartender and a friend of John's, but then we learn differently. It's also great that in the flashback with Omar's mother, Lily, we learn that John's secretary at the time was (presumably) also his daughter. It's so rare for immortals in fiction to be able to have children (as seen in most vampire myths, the Highlander series, etc.) that dealing with this issue is fascinating to me. What was it like to have a father that was younger than you? To see your child grow up while you don't? Obviously John and Omar figured out their relationship, and it's such a wonderful one. I just love to see them interact.

Big Valley (tv) Heath Barkley, Victoria Barkley

Canon never told us exactly why or when Heath started calling Victoria "Mother." A story about that moment would be wonderful, but any story about the relationship between these two would be absolutely fantastic. Gen please.

Luckily S1 of Big Valley is also available at hulu because it doesn't air too often anymore. I was always amazed how gracious Victoria was with Heath, she truly came to consider him one of her sons. But how? What made her open her heart up to him in that way? Why did he go from calling her Ma'am to Mother? How did this new family and new mother affect his feelings towards Leah and Rachel and Hannah?

Secret Adventures of Jules Verne (tv) Jules Verne, Phileas Fogg, Rebecca Fogg

Both Phileas and Rebecca went through exhaustive training to become spies, including (as we were shown) quite a bit of physical conditioning. Jules never had any of that and he's gotten hurt and or captured several times as a result. How did Phileas and Rebecca deal with that? Did they ever think he shouldn't be put in harms way? Or worry he'd get killed or get them killed?

This show isn't that easy to find, although some kind soul posted the edited version over at youtube (which is the version most people in the US saw on SCIFI when it first aired). The relationship between the Foggs and Verne was always fascinating. Rebecca seemed to consider him a little brother to an extent and Phileas seemed to vacillate between thinking Verne was a liability and an asset. All in all, the relationship of the three is just wonderful in canon and it's too bad we didn't see more of it.

yuletide letter

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