(no subject)

Jan 12, 2009 12:02

So, looking at my calender, I just noticed that, by quiting, not only will I be missing staff meeting tomorrow, but I will also be missing the 'Annual meeting pre-meeting agenda committee meeting pre-meeting' which, for all of you who don't speak meetingese translates as a meeting to discuss the agenda for a meeting which will be about a meeting.  Only discuss the agenda, mind you, actually deciding upon the agenda will happen at the 'annual meeting agenda committee meeting pre-meeting.'  *shakes head*

Anyway, missing an important event like that demands celebrating.  So.... PRESSIES FOR EVERYONE!

Hopefully, anyway.

Respon to this post with a request.  For a story, an icon, a meta, anything.  Doctor Who, Torchwood, Supernatural, NCIS, SGA, any fandom or verse I've written in ever (with the exception of Dresden Files, sorry awanderingbard, I've lost my voice for it).  Timestamp request of a previous verse, continuation of a story, interaction between two characters, anything that strikes your fancy, and hopefully I'll be able to make it work for you.

Make a request!  Help me celebrate!


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