So I know I haven't written in two weeks. There's been some shit going down and... w/e the point is I'm not dead.
~ Almost had a breakdown because all I did for a week was sit in my room and look at news about the Fukushima plant
~ Then I went to my baito and it was like HOLY SHIT PEOPLE ARE ALIVE
~ I found some actual intelligent scientifical news sites and it was like fuck you CNN
~ L'Arbre decided to keep holding meetings and that pretty much sealed the deal.
I ain't leavin'. A lot of people rolled out to like Kyoto and some even went back to their home countries. A lot of people are being pulled out of their exchange programs. All my friends in this shitty dorm are gone (though one's coming back). But I ain't leavin', dammit.
So that's that.
My dad has a friend who worked here for like ten years, and she hooked me up with one of her Japanese coworkers. Her name is Yuuko.
She was really nice and bought me stuff when we went to Kamakura and then we went back to her 'hood and she bought me more stuff (including an order for custom-made tabi). But some of the stuff she says and does just gets on my nerves.
In Japan, girls are expected to be girly. I've just been like w/e you can have fun with that, but then Yuuko started acting like she wants to mold me to her perfect image. When we got to her place (it was late and I had been drinking and I didn't feel like taking the 2 hour journey back home), she spent a good 15 minutes trying to... molest my chubbiness. I don't think there's any other way I can put it. She kept pinching me (it hurt) and laughing. It was like she was poking fun at me.
Then she decided she wanted to try to wash my hair, even though I insisted she didn't have to. I eventually gave in, and though it was entertaining watching her try to find shampoo that would work, I had to stop her when she pulled out a brush. Bitch, you can't brush dreadlocks. I don't know if she was trying to brush them out or what, but she only succeeded in making my hair nappier than it already is. And she kept saying stuff like, "Why did you chose this hairstyle?" and "You hair would look so beautiful natural." Bitch, this is my natural hair. I'm just speeding up the process by locking it.
And then the next day Yuuko paid for me to get a facial treatment. Like... wow. And then she spent like 1400 yen on some product. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate her kindness, but I just think it's kinda... unnecessary. Actually, I think that sums it up.
'Cause she keeps calling me to say "I saw blahblahblah on the news and I think you should leave Japan--" No. "I have a friend from Pakistan and he's like 25 and I gave him your number--" NO. And she keeps telling me to go on a diet. Look, I am not skinny, and I never will be. I have accepted that.
So basically, it's nice that she cares about me, but I don't need another parent.
IN OTHER NEWS, Smoky Brown is performing in the freshman recruitness event next month. We got Kuma's little brother, Taiki to be our beatboxer. I'm mad he's cute. lolfml
McDonald's brought back the Idaho burger, but the McDonald's in this hick town I live in wasn't selling it. Actually they didn't have anything except for hamburger, cheeseburger, fish fillet, and some other fourth thing. They probably didn't have supplies (because of the disaster), so I can't blame them. But it still pisses me off. I want my Idaho burger D:
But I refuse to walk all that way just for a burger so I'm just gonna wait until tomorrow when I have a reason to go out. In the meantime I guess I'll go to Family Mart...