Mar 13, 2009 11:35
Personally, I can't wait for the movie rights: "How Coulter Got Her Brood Back."
(CNN) - Is Ann Coulter losing her mojo when it comes to selling books?
The conservative commentator, whose previous tomes have flown of the bookshelves, isn't having quite as good luck with her latest hardback, "Guilty: Liberal 'Victims' and Their Assault on America."
According to Portfolio Magazine, just over 100,000 copies of the book have sold during its two months on the market. While that number far surpasses most politically themed books, its sales to date rank far below those of other Coulter polemics.
Portfolio reports 2006's "Godless: The Church of Liberalism," sold 279,100 copies in hardcover, 2003's "Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terror," sold 396,600 hardcover copies, and 2002's "Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right," sold 333,100 copies and an additional 108,300 in paperback.
The comparatively low book sales come even as Coulter has mounted a high-profile publicity tour in recent weeks, including widely watched and heated appearances on "The Today Show" and "The View."