To celebrate 4 new years, I'm bringing 4 new beers.
That rhymes.
Anyway --
1. FOUR ALE by Allagash Brewery. Four malts, four hops, fermented four times. Kinda goes with the 4 theme.
2. JUDGMENT DAY ALE by The Lost Abbey Brewery. In honor of Bush, judgment comes. This one was brewed with raisins -- which, judging by his father, is what George W. Bush will look like in 10 years anyway.
3. SAMICHLAUS ALE (Giant Bottle) by Eggenburg Brewery. Because the Inauguration and State of the Union, much like this rare beer, comes but once a year. That rhymes too.
4. DUCHESSE DE BOURGOGNE by Vichte Brewery. Why? Because it's a red ale. And in the spirit of bipartisanship, red beer and blue beer should learn to get along. Also, it's one of my favorite beers in the world and I feel like celebrating. This is the younger one I've been saving (six months) -- the other
samcallahan gave me and I aged it for more than a year before drinking it last December. Anyway, should be tasty.
To the next 4 years!