Title: Unintended [Chapter 8/10]
Characters/Subjects: Kris & Adam, American Idol S8 and post American Idol
Word Count: Approx. 45,000 for entire story of 10 Chapters.
Rating: IDK! R perhaps.
Warning: Violence, rape and related triggers.
Disclaimer: 100% fiction. Everything is as fake as plastic surgery! I owned nothing.
Beta: NONE! All mistakes are
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Comments 11
I'm not so sure that i want Kris to go back to Adam. I guess I don't see a future with someone who couldn't be there for him, who couldn't help him heal, when he was at his weakest...
I so love this portion. To stay is to kill their love. Why? The cold shoulder, the struggle could make everything hard for both of them. Slowly they will drift and love will die. I know leaving is hard but Kris taking control of the situation is already progress. Recognition to resolve an situation is always the first step, the rest will follow. It is just a question of time.
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