What Do You Want?

Sep 03, 2012 02:33

Title : What Do You Want?
Length : Drabble
Pairing : YunJae
Rating : PG13
Genre : Romance, Fluff

“What do you want?”

YunHo sighed “Jae come on, open the door”

“Nope” the latter said stubbornly.

“You know how tired i am right?” The leader make sure he’s sounded really tired, since Jae can’t see his face.

“Of course i know” JaeJoong reply uninterested.

Groaned, YunHo leaned his head against JaeJoong’s apartment door. No. Their apartment door. He know why his stubborn lover did this to him and he started to think maybe, yes this is his fault. But then, when he remembered how he and ChangMin so worn out for their preparation to coming back TVXQ new album, he just can’t believe why Jae suddenly extremely annoying.

“Dammit JaeJoong ah! Just unlocked the door already!” yelled YunHo angrily.


“Why? You said it yourself to not disturb you and ChangMin and now in the middle of the night you rang my fucking apartment bell and knocked furiously. I’m sleeping!” JaeJoong can’t take it anymore. He know he’s being egoist and stubborn. But all he need just a few text message or a short phone call from his leader. He won’t disturb HoMin. He know how hard the preparation going. Still, he can’t take the careless YunHo give anymore.

“Hey! For you to remind, this is OUR apartment! And since this is mine too, i supposedly know the PIN number to this door, since when you change it?!” YunHo yelled again, furiously.

Gosh, the lover of him. Why he’s so stubborn.

“Your apartment too? Why i can’t see that? You’re not coming home for what? Almost two weeks?” JaeJoong mumbled, but enough to YunHo hear.

“Jae.. Boo.. come on.. Please.. Juts let me in first okay. I missed you Boo.. So much.. It’s killing me too, not just you. And I’m jealous baby! So open it now!” YunHo commanded.

The last sentence make JaeJoong immediately punch the number to the keypad and before JaeJoong reached the door knob, the door swung fast and the door slammed with a hard BANG with YunHo trap JaeJoong on the wall and hugged JaeJoong tightly. JaeJoong blinked.

“Ugh.. YunHo.. You stink” JaeJoong tried to pushed the latter away.


“I’m sorry okay”

“What for?” asked JaeJoong still trapped on YunHo’s hold.

“First, i am sorry for ignoring you for this two weeks, i haven’t home often. Haven’t text or call you” YunHo snuggled his head to JaeJoong's soft neck and the smaller man stiffed. Smirk. JaeJoong still want him.

“The second?” JaeJoong can’t resist his curious and blurted out the question without he realized. Damn, he still want YunHo after all.

“Second, I’m jealous” YunHo sighed and pulled tiredly, stared to his other half’s pretty doe eyes sharply.

“Why did you invited him? I know i can’t forbid you to invite your friend and i know you can cook your delicious food to your friend” YunHo said with his heart clenched when he remembered what he saw on twitter few hours ago. When he took a break from practice dancing and have time, he will stalked to JaeJoong’s twitter and see if JaeJoong tweet or not. Yes he’s love to stalked his lover’s twitter. He choose this than texting or calling JaeJoong. Why? Well you know how JaeJoong will delay their text or calling and he sure YunHo won’t dare enough to cut JaeJoong off. That’s the reason.

“Who?” JaeJoong tilted his head and asked innocently with his not so innocently doe eyes.

Groaned, YunHo let go off JaeJoong completely and headed his body to the living room and sat on the couch. JaeJoong followed him silently. Hoping YunHo will said something.

“The other JYH” YunHo raked his hand to his messy hair. Frustrated already. Sighed.

“Ow.. YiHannie Hyung?” with his sly smirk JaeJoong plopped himself to YunHo’s lap.

“YiHannie Hyung.. So close huh. Called to each other lovingly” the younger grumbled lazily while he wrapped his arms to JaeJoong’s waist.

“Hmm? Yeah of course we’re close. Why you have to asked? You know we know each other before Dr. Jin right?” JaeJoong leaned to YunHo’s hold.

“He’s straight. I know he’s straight. He’s straight right Joongie?!” whined YunHo. “And! Tell him to not call you Joongie!! No! That’s MINE! MINE!”

Chuckled and amused with the latter behavior, JaeJoong turned his body around and wrapped his arms to YunHo’s neck and peck his nose. “Silly Yunnie”

“Don’t call me silly! I’m not”

“Yes you are” JaeJoong laughed now.

“NO!” YunHo pouted his lips and buried his face to the older chest.

“Well yes, YiHannie Hyung straight” YunHo pulled his head and glared at JaeJoong because he still called this other JYH with pet name, but JaeJoong ignored him and continued his speech.

“For your record, he has a girlfriend and he brought his girlfriend with him too this evening to OUR apartment” JaeJoong emphasized the “our” word to assure YunHo. Instead, YunHo demanding more and asked “OUR apartment?! Are you sure? If this apartment still OUR, then why i can't unlocked my own apartment door?! You changed the PIN and why don’t you inform me?!”

“The security informed to changed PIN number constantly to prevent bad people or sasaeng fans hack our apartment PIN number and you said to me not to disturbs you.” JaeJoong said it while watched YunHo’s sudden facial change.

“What?! Did they hurts you Boo!? You’re okay right?! God I’m so sorry Boo” YunHo hugged JaeJoong tightly after heard what the older said. He will not forgive himself if something happen to JaeJoong.

“It’s okay. Yihannie Hyung accompany me all the time when he has a free time…” JaeJoong can feel YunHo tensed in his hug and with an assuring voice he said, “Yihannie Hyung always come with his girlfriend Yunnie ah”

YunHo let go his hug and see his lover smiled lovingly with mixed of sly smiled, and he know what JaeJoong intention is.

“Boo…. Next time when you want to tell me something, just call and tell me directly okay? if I can’t answer your call, leave me a message and I will call you back immediately, are we clear?” YunHo raised his eyebrows asked for an answer.

“Crystal” the latter answer with a smirked. Oh my Yunnie know what I mean.

“Not from twitter. No flirting with other guy or girl anymore. You can see our shipper not amused at all right” YunHo caressed JaeJoong’s cheek. Enjoying the smooth of the milky skin.

“Okay” JaeJoong whispered and leaned on YunHo’s hand and closed his eyes. He missed those hands. Those beautiful hands.

“Joongie ah… I’m tired” YunHo mumbled sleepily.

“Okay my Yunnie Bear. What do you want?” JaeJoong started to get off from YunHo’s laps and stand in front of YunHo.

YunHo looked up to his angel, with his sleepy hair stuck everywhere, sweatpants, and a white almost transparent wife beater. He looked delicious. Licked his lips YunHo grinned “I want to have a warm bath and sleep soundly with you at my side and wake up with an amazing morning sex.”

Blinked and stunned but still managed his cool, JaeJoong swayed his hips and towards to their bedroom “Come to the bathroom within five minutes my only JYH, Jung YunHo. I will bath you”

YunHo laughed and stared to JaeJoong figure slowly away from living room. He got up and start to walk to their bedroom when he spotted something he hadn’t realized. Their wedding album. Their little secret wedding album on the table. In the living room. And the album left open. Apparently JaeJoong showed the album to Jin YiHan and the girlfriend. It is mean JaeJoong trust this person. YunHo smiled and closed the album and put it back to the rack. He can heard JaeJoong called his name.

“Yes baby, I’m coming”

A/N : Gyahahahah! JYHvsJYH
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