I wrote this years ago and its still funny: did i already publish this?:::

Aug 29, 2006 21:03

that one time...yeah you remember...it was the winter of '98, scene 3rd grade, room 13...it was a cold winter...we couldnt even go out for recess...but the only thing on our minds was...Froot Loops...the band...featuring me and Ben Schuh...we had such smash singles as Froot Loops Guitar and Sleepwalking...oh, there were a lot more...but im not in the mood to brag. i still dont remember what broke us up. was it the money to record, or lack there-of? or was it clashing egos? the only person with all the answers was our former teacher, Mrs. Reynolds... and thus begins this true story and the journey...

i asked her about it numerous times, i did. she just pretended that she didnt know what i was talking about. she referred me to our conselor, mrs holschbach, who in that day was still sandy...but she'll always be sandy to me. i told her about the situation and she said that the mrs was suffering in an early stage of paranoia. then it dawned on me that Froot Loops was attempting to destroy everybody and everything in its path. the guilt flooded my every sense and i knew that there had to be some way to fix this mistake and set the record straight once and for all...

"make an instrument," the mrs instructed, "and on monday we'll all play together." that night i found a kleenex box and some rubber bands. alas, my guitar was born. but halfway around the city something bigger was taking place. it took one empty cereal box to change a nation. on monday ben came into the classroom with his instrument. it make me chortle because the very idea of it was so silly. we decided then and there that we should put our musical talents together and become the greatest nine year old band there ever was and ever would be. the title, easy. we christened ourselves Frootloops, after bens guitar. we would soon come to regret this decision, but we were just naive kids...

froot loops-pt 4
we thought we had it all, we really did. we didn't realize that you needed more than two guitars to have a true band. you need determination, balls, and creativity. the creativity was there, that was true. after all, we had Ben. but we were scared nutless of our first performance. our alloted practice time was five minutes.
a minute into the show, my string broke. ben forgot the next line and we improvised the rest. we had a lot of 'splaining to do from here on out...more to come

part 5-we began recording in Ben's basement in the late winter of '98.his family became my family. soon enough i was over there for breakfast, lunch, and sometimes dinner. it even came down to the point of pulling all-nighters. but we got that CD done. 3 tracks, not one of them a filler. now we had to get it into mainstream. we had a good idea, but it would take 100,000 pesos, a bedtime story, and a glass of chardonnay to get us in. more later.

Froot Loops pt. seis-actually it only took my friend gerald and i to get on the radio. we headed over to 102.5 WIUL and demanded to have a talk with the DJ. i took, from my coat pocket, Ben and I's precious CD. I shoved it in the djs face. "the future of all things music."i said. he blunty said no. but at the last moment, his donut fell. "whoops! dropped my donut!" gerald put the cd in. we had duped him. ok so that happened on hey arnold and i know neither a gerald nor a dj, but god dammit, we got our radio time. more later.

Froot Loops, pt. Siete-After we got our sweet air time we had to wait for the requests to pour in. Ben and I listened to that god awful radio station for days on end. Sometimes, we forgot to eat, sleep, and use the little girl’s room. I remember going to the Schuh’s house and asking “what were the requests today?” “Santana, Nickelback, Santana, Ricky Martin.” I was like damn gurl they need to play smore Santana. And way way more Froot Loops.
We needed a frickin miracle. Good thing that our school was run by nuns and priests…more to come.
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