Nov 27, 2006 23:37
Where is my justice? Am I just a stupid girl who fell in love? All this time I've been fighting for what I believed in. Only to discover I've been standing alone with no one by my side. Why do we accept this? Since when is it okay to treat one another this way? If you can't beat them, should you join them? I say if you can't join them, beat them. But how I haven't figured out yet. Yes, perhaps there are people out there who have it worse than me. Does that make my feelings less valid? Call me crazy, call me angry, call me dramatic if that makes you feel better. I wonder, who will stand for me when I can't stand anymore? Who will defend me when I am defenseless? I lay in bed at night counting my breaths clinging to the hope that there is such as thing as karma and it will come to me, but even more so I pray karma will come to him.