Jun 16, 2008 23:02
Hi Folks,
As many of you are aware, Lisa and myself have promised to make a post about our visit to see Jake in South Carolina at the end of April. We just wanted to apologise (again) for the delay in getting this post up. We have pretty much finished, or written the whole event, just some small details to fill in and I now have the document and am just doing edits and expansions of the details. This has taken us much longer than planned, and part of that is just that Lisa and I are detail people so a lot of effort is being put in to getting the feelings and emotions of the moments right.
Another large factor has just been timing, beyond really anything, it just happened to be two very busy months for both of us with work and real life. So really just bad timing.
We have set a deadline for ourselves of the first week of July. At the absolute latest the post will be made by then. I am heading over to the UK for two weeks, so that will slow me down but I will work on it whenever I get a free chance over there.
No matter what our promise holds, the post will be made by latest first week of July, so look out for it on this journal.
Also don't worry about details or think that we will have forgotten things that took place or were said, we made very detailed notes that night after the visit and also the next day, so no need to worry on that front.
We are sure that everyone will enjoy the post, and we hope it will shed some light on a lot of things that have been felt and said over the last while.
Cheers, Ted and Lisa
jake visit,