Chatlog of the live episode chat for the 2x05 rewatch on January 29. Participants:
A. (finikindandy)
daphnie_1mind_the_tardis (kikainogimon)
neery (cassandrexx)
t_eylawihluta wihluta: oh, random lab
teyla: baaaaaad villain
kikainogimon: Prototype is never a good word.
finikindandy: gross mouth
daphnieks: noooo
wihluta: He's soooo overdramatic
kikainogimon: I am in an electric wheelchair, so I am a mad genius >_>
teyla: man I don't like cybermen.
wihluta: they are boooooooooring
daphnieks: also: 'it's alive'? gtf away from bad frankenstien adaptions
teyla: yesssss
teyla: ahaha xD
kikainogimon: He should have a backscratcher as one of his chair doohickies.
finikindandy: Most people in the U.S in electric wheelchairs are just fat.
cassandrexx: i have no idea at what point of the series we are or what happened so far. i have so lost track of dw. it'sa been too long.
finikindandy: Or many of them. Maybe not most?
teyla: uh, not much has happened. Nine regenerated into Ten.
wihluta: Ten has been around with Rose for a bit
teyla: And they met Sarah Jane Smith.
kikainogimon: Naaaah, they're old. So they have a hard time walking. And they don't have *cool* wheelchairs with doohickies.
cassandrexx: ah
kikainogimon: Oops.
teyla: ahahahhaa hilarious dying face
kikainogimon: OH GREAT FACE.
kikainogimon: Yes.
wihluta: And they just met Madame de Pompadour
cassandrexx: that's what you get for weorking with supervillains
teyla: yes.
kikainogimon: You are dying of electric Cybershock. Make an appropriate face.
teyla: OLD THEME. :D
wihluta: \o/
cassandrexx: :D
teyla: and David. <3
cassandrexx: aww, this is making me nostalgic. &DW;
teyla: yessss.
wihluta: LOOOOOOOKIT!!
teyla: HI TEN :D
kikainogimon: Poor Mickey.
teyla: Yes.
wihluta: Aw, Mickey!
teyla: Poor Mickey.
finikindandy: What an asshole, Dr.
daphnieks: @ teyla. Sureeee the doctors not a jerk XD
kikainogimon: Yes, he is XD
teyla: Oh, the doctor is a huge jerk
finikindandy: He probably has a serious hand cramp
cassandrexx: shouldn't have let go
wihluta: total jerk
teyla: just not quite as big as the Master.
kikainogimon: Especially when he's crushing.
wihluta: and loved for it
finikindandy: Holding a button for over 20 minutes
teyla: The time vortex CANT be gone. There wouldn't be any universe without a vortex.
wihluta: Ded TARDIS
kikainogimon: The showing off gets even worse when he's going OH HI BLONDE GIRL I LIKES :3
teyla: The writing is violating my fanon.
cassandrexx: aww
teyla: awwwww TARDIS
cassandrexx: tardis :'(
kikainogimon: Eh, we don't have any problem ignoring canon.
teyla: Yes :(
wihluta: *sadface*
kikainogimon: He would feel that in his head.
wihluta: LOL the airmasks.
teyla: Through the Void into Nothingness?
teyla: What's the Void then?
finikindandy: Oh, that's what those are.
kikainogimon: I love his ridiculous fancy phrases.
teyla: Me too. xD
finikindandy: London has *saturated colors*
wihluta: I love the Zepelins
wihluta: I want Zepelins.
kikainogimon: Piper just fell off that wall.
daphnieks: thats how it always looks :P
finikindandy: Alternate London explains the sunshine?
teyla: Wooh, Mickey xD
teyla: Worked it out.
wihluta: HE IS SMART
teyla: ahahaha Peter
kikainogimon: No, he's a geek.
teyla: Yes.
kikainogimon: Well, a smartish geek.
wihluta: I is serious Doctorface. Listne to me
kikainogimon: Do not leave me for your father, crush.
teyla: Ten says I HAVE NO FAMILY. So you don't get one either. :|
kikainogimon: Yes, this.
kikainogimon: I am a controlling bastard.
finikindandy: Mickey's like I am bored
teyla: ahaha xD He is. Rose and Ten having their moment, and Mickey going . . . whatev's, moving on.
kikainogimon: As we all now, things you wear in your ears are always Evil.
kikainogimon: know even
finikindandy: What a horroble robe
finikindandy: horrible
teyla: Obviously.
daphnieks: it's hidious
teyla: ahaha Rose. I do like that joke.
daphnieks: I will also admit I LOLD at the rose thing
finikindandy: And the things on the stairssss
finikindandy: T_T
kikainogimon: I don't think the budget went to decorating.
finikindandy: But it's... distracting
teyla: I think it's tasteless on purpose?
finikindandy: I hope so
wihluta: I love Rose. This one, at least
teyla: I mean, this is supposed to be horrible!Jackie
cassandrexx: i love all Roses
kikainogimon: I love the fact the Doctor laughs at that later.
teyla: Me too xD
wihluta: No, the blonde one with the big teeth I can live without
wihluta: ;)
cassandrexx: that guy is too obviously evil. why does anyone trust him?
finikindandy: ...He
wihluta: Peter doesn't
finikindandy: 's like Stephen Hawking? We trust him
kikainogimon: XD
teyla: No, Stephen Hawking has a better sense of humor.
wihluta: And a cooler voice
teyla: Yes.
finikindandy: True
kikainogimon: True, this guy has no sense of humor. That's a sign.
teyla: Yep.
finikindandy: They can drive in Other!London!
kikainogimon: And now we will go collect homeless people >_>
teyla: Oh, Doctor.
wihluta: Heheheheehee, Converse
cassandrexx: LOLOLOL
wihluta: Not very steeltoppy
kikainogimon: Do not kick things with converse.
teyla: xD Noo. He's such a failure.
kikainogimon: Nine could have kicked that console.
kikainogimon: And not hurt his feet.
teyla: Yeah, but Nine isn't pretty.
kikainogimon: Nine says ;___;
wihluta: But he has big ears
daphnieks: but, to be fair, I love nine but he's insane
finikindandy: Rose is only in red to add a warm color to an otherwise primarily cool colored color scheme
kikainogimon: No. He is BATTLESCARRED.
teyla: Ten is far crazier than Nine.
kikainogimon: XD
kikainogimon: He is. Nine was conventionally PTSD-y.
finikindandy: I liked 9
cassandrexx: me too
daphnieks: same, I love 9
kikainogimon: Ten is like I HIDE MY TRAUMA UNDER HYPER.
teyla: yep. Ten's just, you know. In denial. And kind of unstable.
kikainogimon: Oh, I do, too.
finikindandy: He had excellent crazy smile
teyla: Nine is alright. I just don't like Eccleston.
finikindandy: That's fair. I hadn't seen him in anything else
kikainogimon: Well, it sounds like Eccleston was an ass about his involvement with DW.
teyla: Yes. He was.
cassandrexx: really? aww. :(
wihluta: Man, Tennant, he looks so young there
teyla: Yeah, he was all snotty about it.
finikindandy: So much blue lighting. So much
daphnieks: I don't get why the timelords are so missed, they where fucking asses
finikindandy: Broken electronics = blue
teyla: awwww the TARDIS is alive :D
kikainogimon: You can't do the whole I ARE A SERIOUS ACTOR this is too good for me bit. I don't like it much, at least.
kikainogimon: AW HAPPY TEN.
teyla: Ten only pretends to miss them because he feels bad about killing them.
wihluta: Oh, that reminds me of the Master
teyla: HI JAKE
cassandrexx: ten's just feeling bad about killing them. no one else misses them much.
finikindandy: YEAHHHH
wihluta: Juicemeatbaconfateathungry
kikainogimon: You like your little blonde dudes, sister.
kikainogimon: He is cute.
kikainogimon: Also, actually gay, I think?
finikindandy: Well, yeah
wihluta: yes.
finikindandy: I also like actually gay men
finikindandy: Thus the success that is my dating life
kikainogimon: Okay, he does really look your type, sis.
daphnieks: this scene makes me ill.
teyla: aw :|
wihluta: what is he doing with that coil
daphnieks: Kidnapping people D: NOT COOL
finikindandy: so much excess cord
teyla: This is such a sad scene.
kikainogimon: Pretty.
teyla: Where he's all :D I CAN GIVE AWAY SOME OF MY LIFE ENERGY. This is awesome!
cassandrexx: awww, he loves her so much.
wihluta: stupid rose is being stupid
teyla: He does.
teyla: awwww Ten.
finikindandy: I mean, what's 10 years when you live essentially forever?
teyla: Well, Ten's got that theme where he's secretly super suicidal.
kikainogimon: Yeah, it's a plot trick. I mean, who knows when he's going to die? It's plot.
kikainogimon: Yes, he is.
cassandrexx: yeah, that regeneration of him didn_'t live more than a few years anyway.
wihluta: I am sure Rose Tyler is not such an uncommon name
kikainogimon: He would probably be like I'LL DIE IN TWENTY MINUTES but it was worth it, woo.
teyla: Yeah xD
teyla: Silly Doctor.
finikindandy: He'd regret it when he was actually dying
finikindandy: And make tragic face
teyla: Oh, yes, he would.
teyla: He did.
kikainogimon: XD
finikindandy: Oh
finikindandy: Ok
kikainogimon: IT WAS THE BEST.
wihluta: ;)
wihluta: SO SAD
teyla: ahaha oh Ten.
kikainogimon: Right after the Master saved his life and died for him.
teyla: Yes.
teyla: He's Elvis?
wihluta: *refuses to think that*
finikindandy: ...Nope, he lives on in my sister?
kikainogimon: It was purrrrrrrrrrre slash happiness.
wihluta: He went into the bubble thing, didn't he
teyla: ahaha
kikainogimon: :3
wihluta: he might be still alive
kikainogimon: Well, I'm not that awesome, sadly.
teyla: He's in the Time Lock.
wihluta: Yes!
daphnieks: its the master, im pretty sure he's fine xD
teyla: Fucking up Rassilon's life.
wihluta: In an endless battle with James Bond
kikainogimon: Chewing on Rassilon, you mean.
finikindandy: Suits. So boring.
teyla: ahahaha xD
kikainogimon: Well, they're Business People.
finikindandy: I understand. But suiiiiits
kikainogimon: And the PM, right?
teyla: I think he's called president in this world.
daphnieks: I don't like that
wihluta: Black President... foreshadowing of Obama?
kikainogimon: Oh, right. To show it's ALTERNATE.
finikindandy: I wonder if their ear things hurt. Clip on earrings do?
kikainogimon: Ouch, probably.
teyla: Nah, Saxon's campaign was a foreshadowing of Obama. xD
wihluta: ahaahhahaaa
cassandrexx: they're like plugs though, aren't they?
kikainogimon: Okay, I swear these eps *are* better balanced diversity-wise.
teyla: I think they are, yeah.
finikindandy: Probs?
teyla: They are.
kikainogimon: In these seasons. But, eh.
daphnieks: being a moffat fan I wish I could argue
kikainogimon: XD Well, I haven't actually done a rewatch of the Moffat eps, so.
finikindandy: Did she just say someone was a good woman for slapping people?
wihluta: ...physical violence against children=/=awesome
kikainogimon: Yes.
kikainogimon: She did.
daphnieks: they arnt very balanced
teyla: no, Moffat's eps aren't.
kikainogimon: STAND STILL EXTRAS.
finikindandy: They're all going to start dancing in a minute
kikainogimon: One extras: *fails*
teyla: \o/ RTD does love those.
finikindandy: Some T Mobile commercial or something
kikainogimon: *everyone mocks them*
wihluta: now they'll all laugh
teyla: glasses~
finikindandy: I just learned that lots of British men have earrings. Who knew?
kikainogimon: Brit guys seem to wear earrings more than U.S. guys.
cassandrexx: good thing no one's driving right now
teyla: Yeah, they do.
teyla: I love that. The joke. That is so RTD.
kikainogimon: Someone should be going PFFT yeah, that was a lame joke.
finikindandy: Yeah...
finikindandy: Most jokes sort of suck
kikainogimon: *throws earthings down and stomps on them*
teyla: ahahaha Rose is like AHAHAH I WIN
kikainogimon: *hates jokes, dammit*
finikindandy: Nice corner
kikainogimon: Ahahaha.
kikainogimon: ...As opposed to the other corners?
wihluta: Aw, Mickey!
kikainogimon: Nice shot of Mickey.
finikindandy: Is this the slapper?
kikainogimon: Yes XD
teyla: I think she is.
kikainogimon: That's her Time Lord name.
kikainogimon: The Slapper.
finikindandy: She should crack him one
teyla: ahaha xD
daphnieks: ...that has so many wrong conotations xD
kikainogimon: I know XD
teyla: there we go
cassandrexx: lololol
kikainogimon: Oops, she did.
finikindandy: oh
finikindandy: well, it's light slapping
kikainogimon: The Slapper strikes again.
wihluta: at least he's a grown up now
teyla: Poor Mickey.
cassandrexx: awwww
finikindandy: True. Maybe she aimed too high before?
kikainogimon: True, and it wasn't an I WILL HURT YOU slap.
wihluta: I am glad he gets Jake and then Martha
daphnieks: I love Mickey
wihluta: A bit of happiness
kikainogimon: He and Jake are cuuuuuuuute.
wihluta: totally
finikindandy: What? He has something to do with Martha?
kikainogimon: He marries her.
finikindandy: I don't remember that?
teyla: Yeah, he ends up marrying her.
kikainogimon: In the last ep.
finikindandy: Oh.
teyla: It's only a short clip.
kikainogimon: We spoil the hell out of you.
finikindandy: I didn't see that far, I guess
wihluta: sorry!
teyla: Mickey is so confused. xD
kikainogimon: I don't think she cares. She mocks Who ._______. *IS A MARTYR*
finikindandy: No worries. I am not concerned about spoilers
finikindandy: I like all the accents in that car
wihluta: My students mock WHo all the time
finikindandy: He has a nice nose
teyla: ahaha aw Mickey
kikainogimon: You and noses.
finikindandy: I like profiles?
kikainogimon: I mean, who looks at someone and goes mmm. Nice nose.
kikainogimon: Hoyeah.
teyla: Shran has a nice nose.
finikindandy: Yellow and gray. It's corporate, yo. And high tech.
daphnieks: you would not get me doing that
kikainogimon: The schnozz on that one.
wihluta: how is this cyperspace?
kikainogimon: I think it's a little weird that everyone always goes OHNO ROBOT BITS.
finikindandy: Noses can make people look intelligent and distinguished?
kikainogimon: That is inherently bad!
wihluta: it's cyborg, but not cyberspace
finikindandy: Why does that guy never blink?
finikindandy: That bugs me
wihluta: who?
kikainogimon: Because he's evvvvvvvvvil.
daphnieks: HAHAAH XD
cassandrexx: these people are already hooked up to the internet over their ears and brains, they should be less squeamish about these things than we are.
kikainogimon: Which looks like ewil.
finikindandy: wheelchair man
kikainogimon: Well, they're probably more paranoid about it because they are.
wihluta: weevil
kikainogimon: I loove the silly things on his chair.
teyla: Also, he needed to refuse so the plot could go ahead.
finikindandy: lesser of two weevils! Bringing it back around to ships
kikainogimon: Props: *uh* *slaps on random tubes*
kikainogimon: This dude likes his job too much.
finikindandy: Smelliest little army ever
teyla: He does. xD
wihluta: Darwinism
kikainogimon: He secretly programmed them to do the macarena earlier.
cassandrexx: he so did
finikindandy: So dated!
kikainogimon: Well, he's not hip.
wihluta: Awumbaweb
finikindandy: He probably dances with them?
daphnieks: hate this song
kikainogimon: Hee, music.
finikindandy: Me too
wihluta: horribly
cassandrexx: oh god that is creepy
teyla: This was in Triumph of a Time Lord. I totally forgot about that.
kikainogimon: Bad CG! Or. Well. Silly CG.
finikindandy: I remember when it was in Lion King. Hated it since then
wihluta: huh?
teyla: The song.
finikindandy: the music
wihluta: ah
kikainogimon: Yep, it was, talking about diegetic music. Is that the word?
teyla: Yeah.
finikindandy: unsure
teyla: ahaha HI RICKEY
cassandrexx: ooops
daphnieks: No, digetic is outside interdogetic is inside
teyla: he's so badass
finikindandy: what the hell room is that
wihluta: hehehe, we get nekkid Mickey
daphnieks: I thinj
finikindandy: it's so big and empty
kikainogimon: No, I think extradiegetic is outside?
finikindandy: nekkid Jake would be more intriguing
teyla: non-degetic is.
kikainogimon: ... XD
teyla: *diegetic
daphnieks: been a while since I did film xD
cassandrexx: waste of a good psychic paper
teyla: ahaha Rose. So not impressed.
wihluta: waiterslol
finikindandy: and now seafoam green! Sets? Wut?
cassandrexx: om nom nom
wihluta: I AM HUNGRY!
finikindandy: She is going to dump her trats
finikindandy: treats
teyla: ahaha oh Ten
finikindandy: holding the tray all cockeyed
kikainogimon: I love that the Doctor usually goes with hanging out with the workers.
daphnieks: ...maby LUCY is thick? XD
wihluta: LUCY?
wihluta: THE LUCY MAYBE?
wihluta: Saxon.
finikindandy: I don't follow?
kikainogimon: Nah, it wasn't.
teyla: Yeah. He had a GF named Lucy too. He never told the Master about that.
wihluta: :(
daphnieks: rose just said 'maybe lucy is just a bit thick' and im being mean. Sorry xD
finikindandy: Yeah! No more hiddy robe!
kikainogimon: XD
cassandrexx: that dress is deeply unfortunate
teyla: It is >_>
finikindandy: Well, it looks like it's made out of cheap satin.
teyla: It makes her boobs look reeeally weird.
wihluta: Well, Jackie has no fashion sense in either universe
kikainogimon: True.
finikindandy: BOWTIE
wihluta: heheehhehe best joke ever
teyla: ahahaha Rose xD
cassandrexx: LOLOLOL
kikainogimon: Pfft, you'd like Eleven.
daphnieks: AHAHAHHAHA XD
teyla: Ten. Is so not laughing.
kikainogimon: Best scene in this ep.
finikindandy: 10. Mean.
teyla: Yesss.
finikindandy: Why fall in love with him?
cassandrexx: ten just got slapped after the camera cut away
finikindandy: He thinks your emotional distress is funny
teyla: ahaha, I hope so.
kikainogimon: Because he has a great car.
cassandrexx: or at least punched in the shoulder
teyla: He does.
teyla: Also, he's adorable.
finikindandy: He has good hair
kikainogimon: Yep, hair and car.
finikindandy: And shoes. I give him that
teyla: And that, yes.
wihluta: And he's a skiny streak of piss
kikainogimon: XD
teyla: Naked Mickey. :D
finikindandy: Underwear ad
kikainogimon: Oops, hey, shorts.
wihluta: \o/
teyla: Almost naked.
kikainogimon: Rickey: *takes a picture*
teyla: xD
kikainogimon: Jake: *also taking pictures*
wihluta: Nice Tat
teyla: Jake: *does too*
kikainogimon: I assume it's his for real, that tattoo.
kikainogimon: Weird face, there.
kikainogimon: Jake: *having excited thoughts*
cassandrexx: just tell them, mickey
teyla: ahahaha he so is
finikindandy: Given the amount of costume work, I don't think they'd add the tattoo
kikainogimon: Yeah, no reason to.
wihluta: nah, I think it's real
teyla: Rickey is so badass.
kikainogimon: Rickey is playing himself up a bit.
teyla: from your kitchen xD
finikindandy: He's just so threatening... ...
teyla: Just a bit.
kikainogimon: He's probably like...not wanted by anyone.
finikindandy: He brings the whole organization down...
finikindandy: by trying too hard
teyla: With a little help from the Doctor. >_>
kikainogimon: He makes his own Wanted signs and posts them places.
finikindandy: I bet finding out if that van had clearance the first time was exciting
wihluta: I like to think that Mickey got a lot of self confidence from seeing Rickey being so 'badass'
teyla: ahaha
wihluta: which is why he joined TW later
teyla: Ten found a gizmo :D
cassandrexx: he is such a snoop
finikindandy: He likes computers.
kikainogimon: Oh, look, a convenient computer.
teyla: That he can sonic.
kikainogimon: And make goofy faces at.
kikainogimon: Computer: *>_>*
teyla: Yes.
finikindandy: So Back to the Future with the suit and glasses somehow
teyla: Now Peter is going to hit on Rose. xD
finikindandy: Rowr
kikainogimon: Are those glasses like glued to the tray?
finikindandy: Well, she would read as flirting on him as well
kikainogimon: Rose and Sam Tyler = need lessons in talking to parents.
teyla: I think that's just Rose.
daphnieks: YES they do
kikainogimon: Do not flirt with parents in AUs.
finikindandy: If this show was from the U.S. Rose would show her tits a lot more
kikainogimon: It is awkward all around.
teyla: Yeah. Since it's British, it's just awkward.
kikainogimon: I think the only one where they make a point of her chest is the Cassandra one.
finikindandy: Just saying. She actually doesn't cleavage display that often, despite the semi-slutty characterization
wihluta: if it was german he would die of cancer and she in a car accident
finikindandy: Nice change.
teyla: more chav characterization, really
cassandrexx: she already had one chance to tell her dad who she is, in that other ep. she should do better on the second try.
finikindandy: Heh
kikainogimon: True, she's coming across as flirting with her father in two eps.
daphnieks: oh cybermen, yawnn XD
finikindandy: Maybe that's what she really wants?
kikainogimon: XD
cassandrexx: D:
kikainogimon: Well. Her dad seems nice >_>
teyla: Possibly? She never knew him after all.
wihluta: I think so. Oedipuscomplex in reverse
kikainogimon: Jackie is so evil here >_>
daphnieks: (I find the whole 'one day my prince will come' tune WEIRD) and I think thats called the electra complex
finikindandy: huh
wihluta: is it? interesting
kikainogimon: Though I would be weirded out by some random person sitting down and giving me relationship advice.
teyla: Yeeeah, me too.
finikindandy: Yeah
wihluta: yeah, I think she's justified here
daphnieks: If I remmber from my classics properly anyway xD
teyla: well, she doesn't have to be quite such an ass about it, but Rose was being a bit skeevy
kikainogimon: Cybermen = sooooo stealthy.
finikindandy: the ultimate upgrade
teyla: Oh yeah.
cassandrexx: STOMP STOMP STOMP
wihluta: just googled, and you're right
kikainogimon: I WONDER WHAT THAT IS.
finikindandy: so intense there isn't even a background
finikindandy: just white
teyla: ahaha xD that wold be different.
teyla: *would
wihluta: am I supposed to be surprised? cause I can do that. o_O
kikainogimon: It's the cast of Stomp!
teyla: That's nicely shot though.
finikindandy: I wouldn't like glass kicked at me though
kikainogimon: I love glass kicked at me.
kikainogimon: Durhurhur.
kikainogimon: See, no sense of humor.
teyla: Yeah. No sense of humor.
finikindandy: He... is gliding.
kikainogimon: He had to have someone write that for me ahead of time.
teyla: ahaha xD
finikindandy: That looked too smooth
kikainogimon: for him, even
kikainogimon: Pain is not an emotion :|
teyla: Well, might be emotional hurt.
wihluta: so, if they are so great, why does he not want to be one too?
kikainogimon: Mr. President says...
cassandrexx: honestly, if you take away free will and emotions, they're dead anyway.
finikindandy: Maybe the pain hurt leads to existential angst?
wihluta: Loomick, you make no sense
kikainogimon: Lumic XD I think.
teyla: He's a horrible villain.
finikindandy: And suicidal tendencies
kikainogimon: He is, and he acts like he knows he is.
teyla: Yeah.
cassandrexx: pain is part emotion, though.
wihluta: Yeah, I like calling him Loomick
kikainogimon: Yeah, they do have one later be all sad and emotional.
teyla: I loved the quip in the writer's tale about that episode.
finikindandy: Taser
kikainogimon: What quote?
finikindandy: well, they didn't all refuse
kikainogimon: The Master says that is his schtick.
finikindandy: wtf cybermen
teyla: the one where he's all AND THEN . . . you let the villain talk until the heroes had time to figure out what to do.
teyla: Ahem.
wihluta: Oh, we're already at the end...
wihluta: that was fast
kikainogimon: No, but apparently they're making massive generalizations about humans.
kikainogimon: Bad Cybermen.
kikainogimon: Oh, yes XD
kikainogimon: This ep is very first-half.
teyla: It is.
wihluta: yeah
kikainogimon: Exposition set-up.
kikainogimon: DT RUN MORE.
finikindandy: The doors look so... common for a mansion
kikainogimon: He's good at looking cute while running.
wihluta: not as bad as the Inception setup at least
teyla: He is.
teyla: ahaha Inception
wihluta: SO STOOPID!
daphnieks: I LIKED inception XD
kikainogimon: John Simm looks like he's 12 while running.
teyla: Rickey's like, wtf
teyla: I liked it, too, but it was expositiony as hell
daphnieks: this is trufax
kikainogimon: It was. And had one joke.
teyla: A bad one.
wihluta: It was rather silly
finikindandy: They're surrounded because they sat there and waited to be surrounded...
wihluta: and illogical
daphnieks: It had a joke? XD
kikainogimon: Yep, one!
teyla: Yeah. The grenade launcher one
wihluta: LOL
daphnieks: Must have missed that
teyla: He surrenders D:
cassandrexx: BUT WE SURRENDERED! >:(
daphnieks: OHHH!
wihluta: DELETE!
kikainogimon: Eames felt it was necessary to remind everyone that they were humans.
finikindandy: Maximum deletion?
teyla: They're cybermen.
wihluta: Just press Esc
kikainogimon: You'll be deleted and They'll redelete you.
kikainogimon: With a stick.