Sep 29, 2004 01:08
new lj layout, kinda feelin it.
theres a few people i used to kill to be friends with, then i didnt want to let them go for the world, theyve slowly started falling out of my life, and i need to push them out completely. theyve just been hanging there tearing me apart without even knowing it. i need to pretend they dont exsist. i need new friends.
i don't know why i left my old life style, im such an idiot. everytime i drive down 32, entering carroll county, i get a huge smile and get really happy. im surrounded by everything im used to, and i run into the ones i like. i realized i did like a good bit of ya'll ;)
sometimes i miss century, just the routine of it all. seeing keri's huge smile in the hall. justin picking me up and hugging me. the hi how are you's to middle school friends. seeing emily's new shiny outfit everyday.
moving here was the end of me. moving to hoco better be the beginning.
melaine, lauren, laurren...will you be my friends again? *hehe*