[ooc] el dorado survey

Mar 11, 2010 00:10

About my character:

Name: The Doctor (9th Incarnation)
Age: 900+*
Gender: Male
Sexual Preference: *
Special abilities: The Doctor has telepathy (needs to touch in order to use it), a symbiotic connection to his TARDIS, and the capability to feel when time and space shifts.
Allergies, fears, Achilles heels, and other issues:
Things that mess him up are pretty much planets/people dying, being unable to save people, his own destruction of Gallifrey, ect, ect. Easiest way to bring him down is to mess with someone he cares about. He'll either go submissive or blow you up.

My character has canon knowledge of: (Please put a check in the box.)

[ x ] The supernatural. (Vampires, demons, witches, angels, ghosts.)

[ x ] Evolved humans. (People have enhanced strength, telepathy, telekinesis, etc.)

[ x ] Life on other planets. (Aliens!)

[ x ] Advanced technology.

[ x ] The future.

[ - ] Other. (I will explain in my notes.)

I give other characters in El Dorado permission to:
Injure my character physically...

[ x ] If it’s a minor wound.

[ - ] If it’s a serious wound.

[ x ] Only if they have discussed the extent of the injury with me first.

[ - ] As often as you’d like; they’ll heal immediately.

Invade my character’s mind...
[ - ] Through persuasion or some other power of suggestion.

[ x ] Via mindreading.

[ - ] By manipulating their memories.

[ - ] By erasing their memories.

[ x ] Only if they have discussed what they plan to do to my character first.

Enter my character’s suite unannounced...
[ - ] Whenever they want.

[ - ] If it’s an absolute emergency.

[ - ] If it’s plotted out in advance.

[ - ] If they promise not to take anything.

Do random things to my character, such as...
[ x ] Impersonate them.

[ x ] Detect how they are feeling.

[ x ] Detect whether or not they are being truthful.

[ - ] Replicate their ability (if they have one).

[ x ] Have visions/dreams/ideas about things that may happen to them in the future.

[ x ] Expose them to magic - real or otherwise.

* DOCTOR'S SEXUALITY: This is pretty much a big debate in fandom. He has no problem with different varieties of sexuality, however the Doctor himself is fairly un-sexual. He had a wife and a granddaughter, ergo children, but the Doctor doesn't do very well in relationships (at least not this one). So, male or female are allowed to kiss/hug him. He'll probably hug back!

I would prefer that my character never be involved in scenes that could include...

I would prefer a warning if my character is involved in a scene that could include...
Just give me a heads up if we're going to be injuring my character or others. Proper things need to be planned, ect.

I have additional information that the other writers should be aware of regarding my character:
TIME LORD: The Doctor is a Time Lord. He can feel how the universe moves, the flow of time. He knows when things change and how they've been changed. He also knows and has been to several parallel universe in the past. This doesn't mean he'll know the exact history of a person though.

He also has two hearts! Not to mention he is a much more evolved being than a human (hence the "stupid ape" comments). He loves humans though, for all the tough crap he gives them. Though he doesn't like it when people mess with his ego.

# info, [verse] el dorado, ! ooc; general

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