ooc: RELATIONSHIPS @ sortinghat_rp

Jul 26, 2000 20:57

Alfred Jones - redwhiteandhero
Idiot. She's pretty sure that he'll never figure out that half the things she says to him are just to watch his reaction. Or that she can see the things he writes about her over the journals. (Which tend to be anything from that she's smokin' hot and he'd do her if he were single, or that she's an axe-crazy psychobitch.) The two of them have had...ups and downs.

They were originally just Quidditch rivals, until Lili discovered how easily wound up he is, and went out of her way to torment him. So he didn't like her. Then she accidentally fell in love with his twin Matthew, which led to more arguing, and then he was mean to Peter which is a scandal because FAMILIES ARE SUPPOSED TO LOVE EACH OTHER. Then she started blaming the animosity between her and Alfred for all the brotherly dysfunction, so she resolved to get along, which worked for all of two seconds before she assaulted the shit out of him. But then she decided to play nice for real, and in a moment of distress and vulnerability, told him her dark secrets and made him her trainer for her attempted murder. So that's roughly equivalent with trusting him with her life. They're cool now. Except when they're not. But even when they're not cool, she doesn't mind him so much if he's willing to...punch her in the face. Yeah idk either.

TL;DR - They are a fucking mess and always will be.

Crona Makenshi - blackbloodcrona
She's very...quiet. But she's very nice, and friends with Matthew. Also, she has a snake and can talk to it, which Lili finds endlessly fascinating, because snakes are dangerous and therefore exciting.

Eridan Ampora - wwands
A Chaser on the team, and as captain, it is Lili's responsibility to watch out for him whether she likes him or not. And she doesn't dislike him, really, he's fine. The boy just needs to learn to keep his mouth shut.

Georgia Nicolson - nunganunga_k_o
Another of the lovely Quidditch players. She isn't very close with Georgia, but she seems like a sweet girl. If a little strange. Lili won't be using any of her made-up words any time soon, but she'll be available for any mothering that she may need.

Kazuhiko Yukimi - yukimi_mama
Slytherin Head of House. As captain of the quidditch team, Lili's decided that the two of them should collaborate to plot against everyone else. She likes him for his apparent "as long as you don't get caught" attitude towards her shenanigans. And that so long as she's showing some skin, she can get away with zoning out in class.

And then one day, she went down to his office to get yelled at for losing the Quidditch game against Ravenclaw, and she was already on edge because of fight #285425 she had with Alfred, so...she slept with her teacher. Which lasted for a few months, until she got mad at him and very nearly blew the whistle on it. She won't be fucking him anymore, but she's still got him by the balls.

Link Larkin - testdriveme
She thinks Link needs to learn how to be rebellious. Lili's concerned for the poor kid, he's working himself too hard and very clearly isn't happy about it. She wants to help, but it doesn't look like he's having it. Hey, she saved his life, she's allowed to be worried and protective, okay?

Sam Winchester - manlychester
Potions TA and former Slytherin. He seems alright, he's willing to have a discussion with her instead of get all huffy and teachery over every little thing.


Coraline Jones - its_cor_aline
A Muggleborn girl, who accidentally made Lili more prejudiced against Muggles by telling her about nukes. Even Lili thinks that's barbaric, come on guys. But she does seem to be very interested in Quidditch, and she isn't one to discourage people from doing what they want.

Wilbur Robinson - xlnt_question
Typical idiot Gryffindor. Doesn't know what he's talking about. But he's just a kid, so it's okay. She likes that he doesn't back down.

Amber von Tussle - plastic_spastic
Lili has the impression that she's a prissy princess without a single three-dimensional thought in her head. Link seems uncomfortable with her a lot, too.


Lavi Bookman - historyhammer
She isn't too fond of his pet names for her, like 'babe' or 'Lils', but he's charming, otherwise, so she usually lets it slide. After she broke up with Matthew, she threw herself at Lavi - she copes by being insane. They ended up having sex in the locker room. Which was all cool, except for the whole thing about him being a Death Eater TYL, which she found out from Matthew. Turns out, that's not so cool, considering her past issues regarding Death Eaters.

So as far as Lili is concerned, Lavi can stay away from her forever or get his neck broken.

Matthew Kirkland - invisicanuck
She made out with and kicked the ass of his doppelganger during the Evil Twin event, and it's been...interesting, ever since. She soon found out that Matthew was nothing like the doppelganger, and kept herself entertained with the fact that he's easily flustered and a single suggestive comment could send him into a spazzing, blushing, mess. He quickly changed from a target for her teasing into someone she has a genuine interest in.

Lili fell hard and fast for Matthew, despite not wanting to at all. She's unaccustomed to relationships in which she feels safe, or in love rather than being in it for the sex. He's the only one other than her father that she would be willing to do anything for, who she is convinced can do no wrong, and who she will lie to all day if it means he'll be safe. Even after the TYL fiasco broke them up, her feelings haven't changed. She wouldn't dream of blaming him for anything bad. Ever ever.

Peter Kirkland - seabrit
He is heartbreakingly cute and sets off Lili's overly-protective mommy-senses. The poor kid just needs someone to love him WHAT IS WRONG WITH ALL OF YOU. She is outrageously offended by his frowns, so don't fuck with this kid unless you like boots in your face.

Even when he's mad at her, she adores him.

Riku - aamunsarastus
He fascinates her. He seems to be reasonably intelligent, and immune to her threats and attempts to provoke him into a fight. She flirts with him, sometimes (and tries really hard not to cross the line into cheating), but he's either oblivious or blows it off. He's an odd one. Lili's got her eye on him.

last updated 3/22/11


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