~27th Dance~

Jul 21, 2010 13:54

It has been brought to my attention that the counselors don't appear to be doing a single thing about this.

I mean, they're looking. But all I've found is a snapped twig, and it's still more than their combined efforts have managed to scrounge up! One of those witless apes wrote me a song about salami as a consolation. I was not consoled.

Does anyone know the name of the nearest wizarding paper? I'm sending them an owl. When the people in charge here have reporters and lawyers knocking down their cabin doors, maybe they'll be more likely to actually do something.

One way or another, I'm burning this place to the ground.

otani, summer camp, ~alfred, trying to stay cool can you tell, will hunt you bitch, matthew, anti-establishment; unless it's daddy

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