THE DERPBOT AND YOU [edited 3/7/11]

May 25, 2010 13:59

The short version: Bruno is a robot. Bruno does not know that he is a robot. Please don’t tell Bruno he’s a robot.

The long version: Canon has been SUPREMELY unhelpful on the specifics here, but if you assume (as I do) that Bruno is an entity of very similar nature and origins to the Tenors and their ilk, then he probably looks something like this on the inside (except less, uh, violently ripped apart.) He also probably thinks in robot.

If your character has some sort of godly allknowledge /telepathy /I can see your metal entrails with my x-ray vision /whatever type powers and you think they would be able to sense this sort of thing, either over the network or in person, please let me know! This may only last two weeks or it could go on for six months, but for now I don’t want Bruno figuring out he’s anything other than a currently super-powered human.

Things like “hmmm I can’t seem to get a psychic read off you” or “you don’t smell quiiite exactly human” or “you’re just off, man” are probably definitely okay! to a point as long as your character doesn’t feel the need to drill him on it; he IS an amnesiac, and he’ll be aware that there could be odd things in his past that he just plain can’t remember and chalk it up to that. Either that or porter-weirdness.

Something to keep in mind, though, is that him and the Tenors have displayed abilities that either slam right up against that “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” wall or are just plain supernatural, and that he is apparently a good enough human facsimile to fool himself along with his three housemates into thinking he’s a normal human for something like eight months so far. Also fool cats. Soooo whatever technology he is made of, it is some pretty advanced shit. He’s not exactly going to go clang when you punch him or make beep-boop noises when he thinks really hard. Although maybe if you piss-test him you’ll find out he pees battery acid instead of urea, I don’t know.

Aaaaalso he is very probably an emissary of his world’s version of... some kind of... technological god of fate thing. Look IDEFK I’ll get back to you on that whenever canon starts giving us some straight answers about Zone i.e. never. But if your character has radar for that sort of thing then consider that an option as well, since he has at the very least been touched by Zone’s metaphorical noodley appendage. STRIKE THAT canon what the fuck are you even.

ETA: So, I'm getting pretty close to the point where I want Bruno to figure out what he really is. That being the case, at this point characters are more than welcome to notice anything and everything weird about him AND bring said weirdness to his and others' attention, just so long as they wouldn't just go and blab "hey you're a robot" at him (although blabbing it at others behind his back could be fun.)

ETA2: As of the end of January and due to the delicious Lantern Season plot, Bruno is now fully aware of his robotness! Woooo /o/ Everybody and their mother is now absolutely free to call him on it at any time.

ALSO feel free to use the comments section bellow for any and all robot-related questions o/

Also, since it's still pretty limited knowledge, here's the grand list of people who know that Bruno's a robot (in the order in which they found out):

- Vic Mancha [ported out]
- Hank Pym [ported out]
- Bakura
- Bruno lol
- Cassandra
- Lupin
- Yuusei (who... sort of already knew lol)
- Ruka
- Kaiba
- Alastair and Kiryu when I stop sucking and actually get a log up hurrrrr

handy ooc info!

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