Mar 26, 2008 01:50
The Correct And Proper Way to Rank Male Hogwartians
#9 - Jonathan Alcott
0/10 - Ginger.
#9 - Jasper St. John
0/0 - Psychotic. Should be institutionalized.
#9 - Nathan Boot
0/10 - Gay.
#9 - Jackson Thomas
0/10 - I speak not of him.
#9 -Albus Potter
0/10 - Worse than his brother.
#8 - James Potter
1/10 - Potter and Weasley together. Smarmy git, but not amusing. Wooding Wood. If I could hand out negatives, I would.
#7 - Louis Weasley
2/10 - Weasley. Less repulsive than some of them, but Weasley nonetheless.
# 6- Ashley Chevalier-Pucey
3/10 - A child. A Hufflepuff child.
#5 - Nicholas Flowers
6/10 - Has his moments. Not completely repulsive.
#4 - Daniel Cornfoot
7/10 - Reasonably attractive but obnoxious as fuck.
#4 - Montgomery Flint
7/10 - Decent, but dull.
#3 - Cadoc Phillips
7.1/10 - Reasonably attractive. Amusingly insincere.
#2 - Edward Finch-Fletchley
8/10 - But I’m not going to have you, Edward, dear. I think it’s best we remain friends. But you are dreadfully amusing.
#1 - Mallory Carmichael
9/10 - Attractive enough. Amusing enough. I'd hit it if I were desperate.