The "Buffy remake" is getting more and more ridiculous with every bit of information that is leaked. It is still in the realm of the thing known as the development stage and already it's failing harder than the original movie. Twitter was blowing up yesterday about Megan Fox being a possible choice to portray Buffy Summers. Granted that is just a
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I agree with every last thing you just said especially the lack of creativeness in the industry now. As a writer myself it makes me upset as well. It's just becoming very sad.
Like you said we have our memories and if new generations want to experience Buffy they can buy the damn DVDs. Hell new fans join the fandom every day. There are still cons you can go to, merchandise you can buy, etc. The fan-base is still very much alive and kicking.
And oh O'Brian after typing this whole post out earlier, I stepped back and realized that I know way too much about the history and behind the scenes on goings of my shows. I wrote that whole thing from freaking memory...I need help! Rehab or something.
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