Nov 08, 2010 22:19
[ The feed clicks on, revealing one beaming face: the bright eyes are brown; the skin is tanned; the mouth is cracked in the widest grin this side of Azalea Town. Clinging to his shoulder is a curious Charmander, blinking big green eyes at the camera. ]
This is friggin' sweet! Someone please tell me this is real. I think I woulda remembered getting sucked into my GameBoy, though. What's this place even called, anyways? There wasn't a place called 'New Bark Town' in Kanto...
[ Charmander picks this moment to reach up and grab Junpei's cap, swivelling it around. Junpei grumbles plaintively. ]
Hermes, stop that. [ BACK TO THE MATTER AT HAND. ] So is anyone else out there? Mina-chan? Yuka-tan? If you guys can see this, gimme a shout.
[ The feed is turned off. ]
+shinjiro aragaki,
my pokeymans let me show you them,
+heather mason,
+larry butz,
+nanako dojima,
+rise kujikawa,
this is awesome,
where mah bros at,
+mitsuru kirijo,
sup guys,
+cocona bartel,
+chidori yoshino,
+maya amano,
+minako arisato,
+shizuo heiwajima,
+minato arisato,
!location: new bark town,
+izaya orihara