Dec 30, 2004 20:55
Whoa we have ALOT of catching up 2 do......
*1first1* off sOme Of my friendsZ REALLY suck.... They ditch peOple C O N S T A N T L Y & it's sOoOo annOying!!!
But ii can nOt wait 4 this year to END!!
BAD thingsZ bOut '04 STARTING from the beginning....
1.)I lOst One Of my fav. family member'sZ...
2.)My sister'sZ best friend died....
3.)I gained weight
4.)HALLOWEEN WAS HORRIBLE!(Besides Drew's party but whut happened there wasn't coOl...
5.)My best frienD haS been gOne 4 tOo lOng....
6.)My friendS ditch me......
7.)My parents are gay!
8.)I've been gOiin thrOugh a brEak ^ *4for4* wayyyy *2to2* lOng....
9.)My Grandma's boiifrienD died....
10.)Had tO deal w/ my Grandpa's death AGEN...But of cOurse that will happen EVERY year...It's still hard...
11.)My parents drink too much!WAYYYY 2 MUCH!!!
GOOD thingsZ abOut Oh *4fOur4*
1.)I fOund my bestest Of friendsZ...
2.)I 4gOt bOut my Old friendsZ that causeD me A L O T of pain
3.)I gOt a cluster w/ A L O T of my friendsZ
4.)Me n Adrainne became BETTER friendsZ...
5.)I went streakin -hehe-
6.)I went Out w/ an A M A Z I N G guy..((i change my opion))But he's still amazing in soo manii different ways as a friend....
7.)Me n TrevOr rOcked Mr.Dundas' wOrld..-lol-
8.)I gOt tOnsZ Of clOthesZ fOr x-mas...
9.)My friendsZ apprecIate me alil mOre...((SOME))
10.)& Southgate guysZ STILL suck ;D
PlansZ *4for4* 2 Oh Oh 5
1.)Get BETTER grades...
2.) BecOme clOser w/ sOme of my N E W palsZ...
3.)4get bOut sOme of my O L D friendsZ...
4.)Get a bOifriend that ii knOw will treat me goOd..
5.)4get the past and make plansZ 4 the F U T U R E
6.)Get mOre clOthesZ...
7.)Being On the vOlleyball team....
8.)Tryiin as hard as i can to lOse 10 pOunds
9.)Make my hair lighter.... =D
My new yearsZ resolution?
mhmm ya knOw I knOw whut I want ((thats the EZ part)) The hard part is GETTING it....
PlansZ 4 tOmmOrOw...
I'm gOiin Over Adrainne'sZ hOuse nd* were hangin Out w/ sOme peOple...Then i'm gOiin hOme nd* givin my frienD Shannon a SURPRISE party!! =D!!!
cOuntdOwn *2to2* neW yeaRsZ....
26 hoursZ & 37 minutes...
hOpe yoOh guysZ have a GR8 NEW YEARS!!!