♚ 11 ♚ hey now

Mar 10, 2008 11:01

Even though most of the creeps are gone I guess we're just STUCK with some of you. Hn. Whatever. Lots of new people anyway just wandering around like idiots they're lost. IF YOU'RE LOST, just ASK. Geez it's not that hard and since we're basically stuck here you better ask sooner than later.

OLD MAN, stop embarrassing us yourself.....geeez.....hope he hasn't made a shrine here too........
Guess I'll hit the arcade later to cure  the boredom....

I'll try and win Yuzu one of those stupid animals with the stupid claw machine....eh.....
...maybe I'll get two and sneak one into Ichi-nii's room....hehe...........

Still, sorta wonder who that was...whatever.

[ooc: she loves you Yuz, and she loves you too Ichigo but you know, you're fair game for making fun of whereas Yuz is not =| such is your luck! The first strikes are maybe readable if you try hard and are that bored to match her boredom, the lone set of strikes 'wonder' are not readable except maybe to Ichigo because hell, let's make him emo more...he's good at that 8D ]

bored, new people, ichi-nii, yuzu, arcade, you're all crazy

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