fandom: super junior
pairing: qmi
rating: g
words: 1,383
kyuhyun finally meets his favorite author (who may or may not also be very, very handsome). late christmas fic for
syupeojunieo!! ♥
zhou mi's fanbase is a force to be reckoned with, even in korea )
do you know how long its been since I've read good qmi ;A;
this is perfect ;A; thank you so much for writing it :D :D my imagination is going crazy over what could possibly happen when they practice chinese together... lol
omg ;A;
ahhhh thank you so much!! ;; i'm so glad you liked it ♥ (dare you to write it!! :D)
ooh I used to read coley's stuff a couple years ago.. I check her LJ every now and then
that recent influx of pics did nothing for my sanity because I'm having all these feels and such a tiny outlet for them :c I need more qmi friends to flail on
she's so good ;u; i think she posts compilations of all of her drabbles every now and then!
THOSE PICTURES I KNOW RIGHT screams quietly qmi makes my heart hurt T____T twitter! twitter is a wonderful place to let out your feelings lmao
I should check out her stuff more then!!
and I think I only have one qmi stan on my tlist lol
I should hit u up
you should!!! she is really great seriously (whispers and she takes requests)
omg really what a shame you need to meet my wonderful qmi tlist they're all really fun and lovely \o/ yes hmu i will always be around heh
I think the reason I actually stopped actively seeking her out is because I got too used to her writing? like I knew what to expect. But since it's been a while maybe she'll surprise me!!
I miss qmidayeveryday :c too bad there isn't nearly enough of a fanbase to hold another one anytime soon
ohh yeah, i know what you mean! i never check the dates on the stuff i read for her so i dunno if her writing's changed at all, but hopefully you'll like it better now!!
ahhh qmidayeveryday ;; a friend and i were actually thinking of organizing a qmi fic exchange ourselves but it'll have to wait till summer... but we'll probably do it, even if it's relatively small! :D (you should participate heh)
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