exo: violets are blue (but they can be purple too)

Sep 12, 2013 23:59

violets are blue (but they can be purple too)
(for lack of a better title)

fandom: exo
pairing: baekyeol(???)
rating: pg
words: 1,500

baekhyun is a flower that chanyeol waters. also, chanyeol really likes baekhyun. birthday fic for kaihanbitches ♥ thank you so much to ang (yue??) for being a really great beta ;u;

When Chanyeol walks into Joonmyun’s flower shop one Friday morning, he never expects it to be so life-changing.

Of course, no one would expect a trip to a flower shop to be life-changing, really. But this one is, because this is where Chanyeol finds Baekhyun.

Joonmyun looks up from the book he’s reading with a smile, eyes happily crinkling up into crescents as Chanyeol ducks through the door with a box of old flowerpots in his arms. He almost drops one as he straightens, and Joonmyun laughs. “Thanks again for the flowerpots!” he says brightly, stepping out from behind the counter by the door and taking the box from Chanyeol’s hands. “I really needed them-I ordered some, but they won’t be here for another week, and it’s about time to plant some more tulips…” Joonmyun starts going on about the plants and seasons and new shipments, so Chanyeol kind of stops listening out of boredom and looks around.

He hasn’t really been here before, not since he helped Joonmyun move things in before the opening. (Though Joonmyun says that he dropped more things than he brought in, in the end; Chanyeol still helped, though, and he’s pretty sure Joonmyun couldn’t have done it without him. And Kris. Those boxes were pretty heavy. It was hardly a one-man job. Or a two-man job. See, Chanyeol is indispensable.) It’s really pretty now that there are actual plants in here. Flowers all along the walls and on the shelves are in full bloom, and the entire shop is bursting with color, pretty green plants climbing up trellises, purple and white and orange flowers filling the shelves, sunflowers poking out of a pot in the corner-but it’s just one, one little pot that catches his eye as Joonmyun rambles about the prices of good fertilizer these days, and suddenly he’s mesmerized. Suddenly, he gets why Joonmyun likes flowers so much.

“And, you know, my old supplier went out of business, so it’s been hard to find someone reliable to-“

“What’re those flowers called? The purple ones, in the little pots over there,” Chanyeol interrupts, staring at the flowers fascinatedly.

“Oh,” Joonmyun says. He’s far too used to this, by now. “Those are violets! They’re so tiny and cute, aren’t they? I just got them yesterday, and they’re in really good shape…”

“So pretty,” Chanyeol breathes, eyes still trained on the one pot that had caught his attention. It practically sparkles. “Do you think I could have one? For my house. I’ll pay for it, obviously-“

“It’s fine,” Joonmyun says. “You can just take it. You brought me all those flowerpots today, so it’s the least I can do.”

Chanyeol beams at him and strides over to pick the tiny pot up from the shelf, half-tripping over and upsetting five large bags of fertilizer as he goes. Joonmyun sighs. “Sorry,” Chanyeol says a bit sheepishly, fixing the bags and waving at him over his shoulder as he leaves. “And thank you!” Chanyeol smiles down at the flower in his hands, and he’s so transfixed by the pretty little flower that he forgets about the too-small door and his forehead smacks against the hard metal doorframe. His hand flies up to clutch at his poor, injured forehead, and the sound of smashing pottery has him staring in horror at the flowerpot on the ground, which has cracked neatly in half, the flower and its soil starting to fall out of one of the sides.

It really is a good thing he brought those flowerpots today.

Fifteen minutes later, Chanyeol’s little flower is perched on his kitchen windowsill, safe and sound and in a small pot. It’s too big for it-Chanyeol had picked the one plant that only had one flower on it (but that’s what makes it special!) and it looks even tinier in the oversized flowerpot. So cute, Chanyeol thinks to himself as he busies himself with pouring flower food into a small watering can. It’s tiny like the violet, but not as adorable. Nothing could ever be quite as adorable as Baekhyun.

Chanyeol’s pretty sure that Baekhyun was Zitao’s puppy’s name before it ran away. But oh, well. Baekhyun can be his flower’s name, too.

Humming a little under his breath, Chanyeol stirs the water-and-flower-food mix around a little bit before poking at Baekhyun’s soil. It’s a little dry, so he pours a generous amount of water into it and watches as the water sinks in. There’s still some left on top, but Chanyeol figures it’s okay. The more food Baekhyun gets the better, right? Chanyeol pats Baekhyun’s leaves fondly and leaves for his lunch with Kris. “See you later!” he calls, and thinks that maybe he’s just a little crazy for talking to a plant.

(It’s okay, though. Everyone already thinks Chanyeol is slightly insane, anyways.)

“Lunch with Kris” turns into “lunch with Kris and Joonmyun,” which turns into “lunch with Kris and Joonmyun-and hey! Isn’t that Zitao and Sehun over there? Let’s go say hi!” which then turns into an afternoon and evening spent watching Disney movies in Zitao’s apartment while drinking copious amounts of alcohol. Chanyeol is having the time of his life singing along to all the songs and drinking Zitao’s beer (not really) until he remembers about Baekhyun, sitting all alone in Chanyeol’s apartment in the dark, and decides it’s time to leave. But not before he has another drink. It’s okay, he assures Kris, he doesn’t need a ride home. Chanyeol handles his alcohol just fine.

It’s around eleven when he stumbles in after being lost in the streets for a while, and oops, he’s drunk. Maybe it was that last bottle that did it. Oh, well.

Baekhyun is still on the windowsill, and he really does look so very lonely. He’s even wilting a little, leaves all limp and droopy, and there’s a puddle of water around the bottom of the pot. Uh oh. That doesn’t seem good at all. What if Baekhyun’s dying? That can’t happen. Chanyeol just found him today. Baekhyun’s special.

In a fit of panic, he calls Joonmyun. “Hey, Chanyeol! What is it?” Joonmyun doesn’t sound exactly sober either. Chanyeol can hear the strains of “I’ll Make a Man Out of You” and what sounds like Kris loudly trying to sing along in the background. He’d laugh, but this is kind of really urgent.

“I think Baekhyun’s dying.”

“Who’s Baekhyun? Wasn't that Zitao's puppy?” Joonmyun says confusedly, and Chanyeol remembers that he’d forgotten to mention his new flower’s name.

“The flower I took home today! I got home and his leaves were all floppy and sad. I don’t think he’s okay.”

“You’re drunk, aren’t you,” Joonmyun sighs. “Did you water it?”

“Yeah, a lot!” Chanyeol says. “I made sure he had lots of food. I didn’t want him to go hungry. And I felt kind of bad for dropping him, earlier.”

“Chanyeol,” Joonmyun says, sighing again, “you’re not supposed to do that. Pour all the excess water out and keep it somewhere shady for now, okay? Don’t water it too much in the future, and it should be okay, since it hasn’t been in the water for long.” His last few words are drowned out the sound of Kris and Sehun’s loud singing, but Chanyeol understands nevertheless. Joonmyun is such a good friend, he thinks as he does as he’s told and carefully drains the water out, nearly dropping the pot into the sink as he tips it over. Oops.

Even with the assurance that Baekhyun won’t die after all, Chanyeol doesn’t sleep well that night. Or the night after, really, because Baekhyun only shows small signs of improvement, but when he wakes up late Sunday morning, Baekhyun looks as good as new, standing up straight, leaves looking mostly okay. Chanyeol breathes a sigh of relief. Baekhyun’s okay. He’s okay.

“I was so worried, you know,” Chanyeol says, and Baekhyun says nothing back. But Chanyeol gets it. “Sorry,” he mumbles, a little ashamed, “I promise I won’t do that to you ever again. I’m stupid. Sorry.”

Baekhyun is a flower, so he doesn’t say anything, but Chanyeol’s pretty sure that if Baekhyun were a person, if Baekhyun could speak, he’d smile and say, “Hey, it’s okay. It was a mistake. It’s not like you knew any better,” and yeah, he didn’t know any better. And Baekhyun is alive and well now, pretty purple petals all bright again, and. Yeah. Everything’s okay, and Chanyeol should probably study for his physics test now. He pats one of Baekhyun’s leaves as he walks away and gives him a little wave on his way to his room.

On second thought, he heads back into the kitchen and brings Baekhyun to his desk, right on top of another physics textbook. It’s nice to have company.

(Later, Sehun tells him he’s officially crazy. Chanyeol sticks his tongue out at him. “You’re just jealous,” he says. “You’ll never have a flower that sparkles like Baekhyun does.”)

to tracy who is really really wonderful: this is probably not what you were expecting BUT I HOPE YOU LIKED IT ANYWAYS
happy birthday!! even if it's a little late now~ i hope you had a good one ♥ ilu ^___^


length: oneshot, fandom: exo, !fic, pairing: baekyeol

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