super junior: maybe

Dec 12, 2012 01:03


fandom: Super Junior
pairing: qmi
rating: g
words: 232

it's been a long time.

zhou mi can still see the pain in kyuhyun’s eyes from that day so long ago, the hurt and the betrayal and the quiet anger; it shines brightly in his memories, and every day it hurts a little more to remember.

it’s been exactly four years and one hundred and twenty-six days since then, since the day he left super junior-m-it’s only temporary, they’d told the press, so long ago, he is still a part of super junior-m, and he will resume activities as soon as possible. but it’s been four years, and he knows they’ve had enough of it. enough of him.

either return now or leave, they say, and zhou mi has to fight the urge to say i’ll do it, i’ll come back, because he can’t. he can’t face kyuhyun again and see the sadness in his eyes, or even worse, see that he’s moved on, that he’s found someone else.

so he tells them that no, he’ll go, and like that it’s all over, all gone, all done.

when he leaves he passes kyuhyun in the hall and they lock eyes for just a fraction of a second, and through the surprise on kyuhyun’s face zhou mi can’t see a thing; all he can hope is that in his eyes there’s something other than what was there four years ago, something that says, i still love you.

pairing: qmi, !fic, length: drabble, fandom: super junior

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