Title: Scared Sightless
Disclaimer: If I owned I probably wouldn’t have so much time on my hands…
Warnings/spoilers: To be safe I’ll say the first three seasons but major spoilers for season 3 specifically 3x15, Time is on My Side.
A/N: Huge thanks to
sendintheklowns and
gidgetgal9 for both being being awesome betas. They have been so helpful and inspiring and I just can't
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The next chapters pretty long and it's a lot of dialogue which worries me. I has a reader love dialogue and as a writer I LOVE writing the dialogue but I don't want other readers to get bored. It's just that I had a lot of air to clear between the boys and with Dean's time up soon I feel there needed to be a lot of words said.
I like the chapter actually and I had mapped it out before writing it (all the wonderful tips are wearing off lol), but I ended up going in a direction that might be a little touchy. Definitely major angst.
I was going to bother you again to beta actually if you had the time. I still have a few things I wanted to check for first before I feel its ready to be beta-ed lol but if you wouldn't mind I'd love it.
Thanks for the review! I'm so glad I could help out on your long day. =)
Hope you have a better/shorter day tomorrow!
Bring on the angst!
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