Feb 07, 2015 12:00
- Fri, 13:29: DKSC LiveJournal | My tweets http://t.co/mojoW9BLsl #JamesMarsters
- Fri, 17:22: RT @ keithgow: GOAL REACHED! Thanks to everyone who contributed. @ sonnigsburg is going to be amazing, thanks to your support! https://t.co/K…
- Fri, 18:15: RT @ sonnigsburg: GOAL REACHED! Thanks to everyone who contributed. Sonnigsburg is going to be amazing, thanks to your support! https://t.co…
- Fri, 22:29: RT @ jamieotfollow: #SMALLVILLE Official Magazine #9 MAY/JUN 2006 Michael Rosenbaum, James Marsters for sale on @ eBay http://t.co/jB7fDGrTVA…
- Sat, 07:23: RT @ KLZ_FanMeets Show us your photos with #JamesMarsters at the past #BUFFYFanMeet in Frankfurt ~ December2014! http://t.co/EOAonnziOq
- Sat, 07:49: .@ guardian | The 10 best sex scenes (inc #JamesMarsters #Spike & @ RealSMG's #Buffy) http://t.co/pubcpVxdVM @ JM_Live #SarahMichelleGellar
- Sat, 07:55: .@ vanityfair | The 20 Most Satisfying Kisses in TV History (inc #JamesMarsters #Spike & @ RealSMG's #Buffy) http://t.co/nABLw5quVZ @ JM_Live
- Sat, 09:18: .@ WizardWorld | #JamesMarsters #Indianapolis Comic Con Appearance Canceled http://t.co/4YErleabRq @ JM_Live #IndianapolisCC
- Sat, 09:29: .@ WizardWorld | #JamesMarsters #Cleveland Comic Con Appearance Canceled http://t.co/XUGbMlrwxh @ JM_Live @ ClevelandCC #WizardWorld
- Sat, 09:40: .@ WizardWorld | #JamesMarsters #Raleigh Comic Con Appearance Canceled http://t.co/kVTJDzZMEK @ JM_Live #RaleighCC #WizardWorld #wwcc
- Sat, 09:50: .@ WizardWorld | #JamesMarsters Las Vegas Comic Con Appearance Canceled http://t.co/K2zYOxaIyD @ JM_Live #LasVegasCC #LasVegas #WizardWorld
- Sat, 09:52: Those #JamesMarsters @ WizardWorld cancellations are all due to filming, so hopefully we'll have something new from James to look forward to.
- Sat, 09:53: Can someone who's going to see #JamesMarsters at @ WizardWorld #MadisonCC ask James what he's filming? #curious #MadisonComicCon
- Sat, 10:24: Want to know where James Marsters will be in 2015? Then check out this handy picture. #JamesMarsters @ JM_Live http://t.co/5leImaEddT
- Sat, 10:31: Just a reminder: The #JamesMarsters upcoming events pic is pinned to my profile, and will be re-pinned everytime I update it. @ JM_Live
- Sat, 10:39: DKSC LiveJournal | James Marsters Indianapolis Comic Con Appearance Canceled | @ WizardWorld http://t.co/4YErleabRq #JamesMarsters
- Sat, 10:39: DKSC LiveJournal | James Marsters Cleveland Comic Con Appearance Canceled | @ WizardWorld http://t.co/XUGbMlrwxh #JamesMarsters
- Sat, 10:39: DKSC LiveJournal | James Marsters Raleigh Comic Con Appearance Canceled | @ WizardWorld http://t.co/kVTJDzZMEK #JamesMarsters
- Sat, 10:39: DKSC LiveJournal | James Marsters Las Vegas Comic Con Appearance Canceled | @ WizardWorld http://t.co/K2zYOxaIyD #JamesMarsters
event: raleigh comic con 2015,
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cast: james marsters,
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tv: buffy,
event: buffy fanmeet,
event: indianapolis comic con 2015,
event: madison comic con 2015,
event: cleveland comic con,
event: las vegas comic con 2015