DRAGON WARRIORS CONTEST UPDATE! Increase your chances to win James Marsters Necklace & Arm Bracers

May 13, 2014 08:13

CONTEST UPDATE! Increase your chances to win James Marsters Necklace and Arm Bracers



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Fellow Warriors!

One week left and we only have 80k to reach our goal! We can do this! Many of you have been working very hard to help spread the word and win the jewelry that James wears in the film. Thank you and keep it up! We want to introduce a few more ways to qualify you to win the PRIZES!

Since it's the last week of the campaign, we need our social media shares to be off the charts. In order to do this we are going to count both Facebook shares and Tweets  as contest entries for the James Marsters Jewelry contest. Starting now, each share, tweet, or post counts as 1 entry. And to make it interesting, the personal backer referrals (as explained in Update #16) will count as 5 entries, since you know they are harder to come by!

Once again, whoever has the most entries will win the Necklace. To win the the Arm Bracers, we will draw a name from all the entries.  The more entries you have the greater your chances to win!

Follow the instructions carefully so we can track all of your entries.


1. You need to LIKE (or already Like) the Dragon Warriors Facebook Page and the James Marsters Official Facebook page.



2. You need to COMMENT ON and SHARE any of the Dragon Warriors related posts we make, or that James Marsters makes on Facebook starting Monday, May 12.

Again, each share equals one entry. Share it multiple times for multiple entries. Let's make them fun and unique to help spread the word! Also, original posts will be counted as well, not only shares. (as long as you tag the Dragon Warriors name in the post we can track it) Share and comment on each others posts.  The more comments there are the longer it stays in the feed!


All you need to do is follow us @DWarriorsMovie and share this link on Twitter:


Also, in the post, you need to include @DWarriorsMovie #JamesMarsters and #DragonWarriors - that way we can track it very easily.

For example, your post might read something like: Check out this awesome new #JamesMarsters fantasy film #DragonWarriors on Kickstarter by @DWarriorsMovie - INSERT LINK

Make up whatever post you like. The more variation, the better. But remember, it MUST include @DWarriorsMovie #JamesMarsters and #DragonWarriors and the LINK TO OUR KICKSTARTER to count.

Get creative! Tweet to celebrities and other people that may be interested in this film. Ask them to retweet. Let's get as much chatter as possible on the Twittersphere!

Each time you post, you get an entry into our drawing. You can post AS MANY TIMES AS YOU LIKE. The more you post, the more chances you have to win.

Just a reminder of the prizes worn by James in the film!

Thanks for your continued support!


The Dragon Warriors Team

movie: dragon warriors pics, cast: james marsters, movie: dragon warriors

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