Jan 28, 2010 00:08
- 11:23 eBay.com | James Marsters ANGEL Season One Autograph A-5: bit.ly/cSJWqP #
- 11:42 DKSC LiveJournal | DKSC Twitter Updates - 08:49 RT @airlockalpha | FYI: James Marsters first appears on #Caprica Ma... ow.ly/16qEEq #
- 12:33 TotallySound | The BBC and me, part one: audio evidence (James Marsters THEN WE CAME TO THE END radio play): bit.ly/9YEPrR #
- 12:35 JamesMarstersFacebook | James Marsters SUPER HERO SQUAD SHOW Second Episode airing 13 February: bit.ly/b2hjju #
- 12:36 JamesMarstersFacebook | James Marsters SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER (or The Mistakes of a Night) (radio play) Details: bit.ly/bmimEw #
- 12:36 JamesMarstersFacebook | James Marsters DRAGON*CON 2010 Appearance Details: bit.ly/deraZ8 #
- 12:37 JamesMarstersFacebook | James Marsters CAPRICA First Episode Details: bit.ly/cYtm7g #
- 12:38 TheIncomparable | CAPRICA: Lifestyles of the Rich and Cybernetic (James Marsters mention): bit.ly/9cXpTH #
- 12:46 ComicsAlliance | BUFFY Artist Georges Jeanty Talks Twilight, Exclusive Art [SPOILERS] (James Marsters &Spike mentions): bit.ly/dcb23a #
- 13:11 RT @JM_Live | Be My Valentine: Saturday Date with James Marsters: bit.ly/c9Qnqe #
- 13:16 Whedonverse BB updates: bit.ly/SvIEP James Marsters/Christian Kane/LEVERAGE news; Joss Whedon/Daniel Dae Kim int; cast tweets; & more #
- 13:40 DKSC Calendar update: bit.ly/16AMPu Added US James Marsters SUPER HERO SQUAD SHOW finale to 13 Feb; edited upcoming events thru Sep #
- 17:23 @ angelswilliam Yep, Sky from CivilizedJames' Twitter is @Skyprague #
- 17:32 @ jm_fun The low numbers for the premiere are likely the result of the pilot being released on DVD (and on the website) before it aired... #
- 17:32 @ jm_fun ...so we should see numbers pick up this week, as it will be the first 'premiere' episode. #
- 18:43 eBay.co.uk | 10x8" photo signed by John Barrowman and James Marsters: bit.ly/bYPZYM #
- 22:37 eBay.co.uk | TORCHWOOD Magazine issues 1-10 Barrowman Ianto Jones (feat. James Marsters): bit.ly/caOSRY #
- 23:32 PinkRayGun | BUFFY for Beginners 4.17: Superstar (feat. James Marsters Spike): bit.ly/boi2dY #
- 23:34 More Whedonverse BB updates: bit.ly/SvIEP James Marsters/Michelle Trachtenberg/MERLIN news; BUFFY/LEVERAGE reviews; & cast tweets #
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