- 10:47 InAceWeTrust | Full Loveline for January 30, 2003 w/ James Marsters (audio int): bit.ly/4BLOfA #
- 10:47 SitcomsOnline | BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER on MTV Update (feat. James Marsters as Spike): bit.ly/6IKSIZ #
- 10:48 TheWiiGuru | BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: Chaos Bleeds (James Marsters Spike mentions): bit.ly/71dkTk #
- 10:49 Whedonesque | Full Scott Allie Slayalive Q/A For BUFFY Season 8: Willow One-Shot (James Marsters Spike mentions): bit.ly/59wwOC #
- 11:05 Whedonverse BB updates: bit.ly/SvIEP James Marsters/DOLLHOUSE/BUFFY news; Benson/Benz/Dushku/Caulfield/Landau/Kane tweets + more #
- 11:09 Examiner | Vote for the sexiest man in the vampire realm! (Don't forget to vote for James Marsters): bit.ly/7V9Y50 #
- 11:59 DKSC LiveJournal | DKSC Twitter Updates - 11:45 DKSC LiveJournal | DKSC Twitter Updates - 01:01 Lovejames | Small c... ow.ly/16ehqr #
- 20:21 eBay.com | BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER - [James Marsters] Spike: Love Is Hell (DVD, 2005) Auction: bit.ly/86INks #
- 20:41 More Whedonverse BB updates: bit.ly/SvIEP James Marsters/Christian Kane/Starfury Convention news; Lenk/Landau/Benson/Benz tweets + mo #
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