Jul 08, 2012 12:00
- Sat, 12:00: RT @ HimberEnt | #Torchwood reunion when @ GDL_Live @ JM_Live @ RealEveMyles @ KaiKaiOwen atd @ SupanovaExpo Brisbane Nov 9-11 & Adelaide Nov16-18
- Sat, 13:01: RT @ SpuffyLatino | Angel Series, season 5 (Behind the scene) James Marsters picture 2 http://t.co/gkROtV8n
- Sat, 13:28: DKSC LiveJournal | James Marsters to Attend #SDCC BUFFY Turns 20 Panel - A Birthday Celebration! |... http://t.co/MQNkf27L #JamesMarsters
- Sat, 13:28: DKSC LiveJournal | My tweets http://t.co/pxL8FQG5 #JamesMarsters
- Sat, 17:14: ryanjeffreysanderson | #BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: Season 4 (James Marsters & #Spike mnts): http://t.co/yqUlmlLB #JamesMarsters @ JM_Live
- Sun, 09:54: laurenbehold | #BUFFY Rewatch 5: Season 2, the season of filler episodes (James Marsters #Spike mnts): http://t.co/v7hlcH6Z #JamesMarsters
- Sun, 09:57: dailyfig | POLL: Vampire Showdown: Round 3! Vote NOW (Vote for James Marsters #Spike): http://t.co/E4m1TQwb #JamesMarsters @ JM_Live #Buffy
- Sun, 09:59: ronhelfsblog | #BUFFY Blog: "Hush" (James Marsters #Spike mnts): http://t.co/D5uxgJvt #JamesMarsters @ JM_Live #JossWhedon @ AnthonySHead
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event: james marsters 50th birthday,
character: spike,
tv: angel pics,
tv: torchwood