Pic of the Day: Get lost in James Marsters' dreamy, dreamy gaze...
aka James at the 2002 AFI Awards... but you don't care... you're not reading this... you're lost in his dreamy, dreamy gazy... which, fair...
@JamesMarstersOf #JamesMarsters #Dreamy #DreamyDreamyGaze pic.twitter.com/EhaX3acXCH- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
July 5, 2024 James Marsters News+ My Tweets: Pic of the Day: James & Sullivan Marsters caught on camera... being goofballs... ahead of their
@PianosNYC gig last year
@JamesMarstersOf #JamesMarsters @_su11ivan_ #SullivanMarsters @GhostoftheRobot…
https://t.co/pwJRs0iYwE @JamesMarstersOf- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
July 5, 2024