My Tweets

Sep 30, 2023 12:01

Pic of the Day: @JamesMarstersOf (& his *delightful* pink shirt) in this @CW_Smallville promo pic 2005 #JamesMarsters #Smallville #Brainiac #HonestlyJames #WhenColourLooksThisGoodOnYou #YaMightWannaTakeItOutALittleMoreOften #Pink #InParticular #IsQuiteTheFetchingColourOnYou
- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters) September 29, 2023

James Marsters News+ My Tweets: Pic of the Day: @JamesMarstersOf showing off his freshly shaved head (& the cheekbones!) backstage at @OnAirWithRyan 2004 #JamesMarsters #OnAirWithRyanSeacrest #RyanSeacrest #FreshlyShaved #Um@JamesMarstersOf
- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters) September 29, 2023

ICYMI Exciting news! @JamesMarstersOf's puppet horror film #Abruptio has signed a distribution agreement! Stay tuned for more details. #JamesMarsters @SweetHomeFilms @KezF
- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters) September 29, 2023

Today’s the School Hard anniversary!! Here’s some Spike (and Buffy) drawings I did over the year
- ROX !! (@roxtost) September 29, 2023

26 years since we first met this guy... @JamesMarstersOf #JamesMarsters @julietlandau #JulietLandau @BuffyTVS #Buffy #Spike #Drusilla #BuffytheVampireSlayer #BtVS #Sprusilla #26Years
- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters) September 29, 2023

#freshlyshaved, cast: james marsters, #whencolourlooksthisgoodonyou, #julietlandau, #jamesmarsters, character: spike, #yamightwannatakeitoutalittlemoreoften, tv: smallville, #pink, #spike, #buffythevampireslayer, #btvs, twitter updates, tv: smallville pics, james marsters pics, #abruptio, #buffy, #onairwithryanseacrest, #26years, #drusilla, #inparticular, james marsters, #isquitethefetchingcolouronyou, #honestlyjames, #smallville, #brainiac, james marsters fanart, cast: juliet landau, tv: buffy, james marsters gifs, #um, #ryanseacrest, #sprusilla

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