My Tweets

May 09, 2023 17:45

Pic of the Day: @JamesMarstersOf promoting #Caprica at @Comic_Con 2010 #JamesMarsters #ComicCon #SDCC #SanDiegoComicCon #WearingHisLovelyPurpleShirt #AndTeasingUsWithJustAHintOfThe #CURLS #HeyCurls #BeenAMinute #HowYouBeen #ThatSoundedSuperFlirtyInMyHead #Which #Fair
- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters) May 8, 2023

When you forget how well your friends know you & they provide you a timely reminder in the form of the most perfect (early) birthday pressie ever!

Nothing can top a super reluctantly sung Happy Birthday from Spike!

Thanks Emma, you're the best! ♥♥♥ @JamesMarstersOf
- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters) May 8, 2023

James Marsters News+ My Tweets: Pics of the Day: @JamesMarstersOf saying his (undoubtedly flirty) goodbyes... in Warehouse 13 #4.20 "The Truth Hurts" #JamesMarsters #Warehouse13 #WH13 @EddieMcClintock #JoanneKelly #JoshBlaylock@JamesMarstersOf
- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters) May 8, 2023

Ticket link 👉 @GhostoftheRobot @JamesMarstersOf @_su11ivan_ @kevinmakesmoney #GhostoftheRobot #JamesMarsters
- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters) May 8, 2023

Manually posted

#caprica, #ghostoftherobot, #curls, twitter updates, #howyoubeen, #andteasinguswithjustahintofthe, cast: james marsters, tv: caprica, #fair, james marsters pics, #sdcc, #wh13, #beenaminute, #jamesmarsters, #joshblaylock, #warehouse13, #comiccon, #thatsoundedsuperflirtyinmyhead, james marsters, #wearinghislovelypurpleshirt, #sandiegocomiccon, #heycurls, ghost of the robot, event: concert, james marsters video, #joannekelly, event: san diego comic con, #which, album: tin man, james marsters cameo

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