Pic of the Day: When one is about to be hanged, one must *always* comport themselves well... *and* find time to side-eye their executioner... comportment at all times...
@JamesMarstersOf in High Plains Invaders
#JamesMarsters #HighPlainsInvaders #SideEyeMotherfuckers pic.twitter.com/OUJjrkOepL- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
April 19, 2023 James Marsters News+ My Tweets: Pic of the Day:
@JamesMarstersOf promo pic for that movie... y'know the one... it's on, like, a *bunch* of lists...
#JamesMarsters #DragonballEvolution #Piccolo #IMeanTheListsAllContainVariationsOf…
https://t.co/2zjOEdJ13E @JamesMarstersOf- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
April 19, 2023 FYI a new Buffy group op w/
@julietlandau &
@AllCharisma, & a duo op w/ James & Charisma, for
@comconnortheast, will go on sale today!
https://t.co/YPW9WJd0yP #JamesMarsters #JulietLandau #CharismaCarpenter #Buffy #BuffytheVampireSlayer #ComicConNorthEast pic.twitter.com/EyBRYFtdEk- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
April 19, 2023 If you want to get in on the interview with Sullivan and I on ‘The Rock and Talk Show’ tomorrow at 5:30pm PST we have this handy link for you! Just hit it tomorrow at 5:30, and you’ll be in. See you there!
https://t.co/qVnxUxJlvV- James Marsters (@JamesMarstersOf)
April 19, 2023 - Thu, 06:53: James Marsters News+ My tweets: * Wed, 09:26: FYI @ AllCharisma will be joining @ JamesMarstersOf at @ comconyorkshire Jun 3-4! Her autographs & photo ops, including a duo photo op with James, are on sale now, grab them at the link!… https://t.co/UZJsVVwnU9 @ JamesMarstersOf
- Thu, 09:17: RT @ TheRockNTalkSh1: Tomorrow night! Everyone's favorite vampire, @ JamesMarstersOf joins in with his son @ _su11ivan_ (Ghost of the Robot).…
- Thu, 10:23: .@ GhostoftheRobot | New show announcement coming soon! 👀 Any tunes we missed on 3/14 you want to hear?! 📸: @ goldberghourphotos https://t.co/SPotljHRJm @ JamesMarstersOf @ _su11ivan_ @ kevinmakesmoney #JamesMarsters #GhostoftheRobot #SullivanMarsters #KevinMcPherson
- Thu, 10:32: #Pensacon | James Marsters (& Charisma Carpenter) to Attend Pensacon 23-25 February 2024 https://t.co/HrLRv9CMqX @ JamesMarstersOf @ AllCharisma #JamesMarsters #CharismaCarpenter #Pensacon2024 @ BuffyTVS #Buffy #BuffytheVampireSlayer #BtVS #Spike #Cordelia https://t.co/XkkXH7qJY1
- Thu, 10:50: Want to know where James Marsters will be in 2023? Then check out this handy pic! @ JamesMarstersOf #JamesMarsters https://t.co/lPpDaDUYns https://t.co/zANkzgBKT7 https://t.co/qVbvC7QBAM https://t.co/NCJspkBgKP
@GhostoftheRobot | New show announcement coming soon! 👀 Any tunes we missed on 3/14 you want to hear?!
📸: @goldberghourphotos
https://t.co/SPotljHRJm @JamesMarstersOf @_su11ivan_ @kevinmakesmoney #JamesMarsters #GhostoftheRobot #SullivanMarsters #KevinMcPherson- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
April 20, 2023 #Pensacon | James Marsters (& Charisma Carpenter) to Attend Pensacon 23-25 February 2024
https://t.co/HrLRv9CMqX @JamesMarstersOf @AllCharisma #JamesMarsters #CharismaCarpenter #Pensacon2024 @BuffyTVS #Buffy #BuffytheVampireSlayer #BtVS #Spike #Cordelia pic.twitter.com/XkkXH7qJY1- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
April 20, 2023 Want to know where James Marsters will be in 2023? Then check out this handy pic!
@JamesMarstersOf #JamesMarsters https://t.co/lPpDaDUYns https://t.co/zANkzgBKT7 https://t.co/qVbvC7QBAM pic.twitter.com/NCJspkBgKP- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
April 20, 2023 RSVP 👇👇👇 for *all* updates! (Not just the
@JamesMarstersOf-y stuff) cont'd
https://t.co/p2jBfC8VjX @IndyPopCon:
https://t.co/yh4MrE4C5m- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
April 20, 2023