James Marsters C2E2 2023 Reports, Pics & Videos
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https://t.co/EsGaOLW2cM @JamesMarstersOf #JamesMarsters @AllCharisma #DavidBoreanaz @MarcBlucas @c2e2 #C2E2 @BuffyTVS #Buffy #BuffytheVampireSlayer #BtVS #Spike #Angel pic.twitter.com/Q8p1IxLOmi- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
April 1, 2023 Pic of the Day:
@JamesMarstersOf just casually hanging out at the beach... as you do...
#JamesMarsters #BeachBabe .
#AprilFools #TeeHeeHee #JustDoingMyPartToEnsureTheConfusionWillNeverEnd #JamesMarsden #ThisIsNotTheJamesYoureLookingFor pic.twitter.com/bzhAoEvIrQ- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
April 1, 2023 James Marsters News+ My Tweets: Pic of the Day: Ahead of
@AllCharisma & David Boreanaz' appearance at
@c2e2 this weekend... enjoy this
#Angel #5.12 "You're Welcome" flashback photo!
#JamesMarsters #CharismaCarpenter…
https://t.co/Qz2KGhVkEq @JamesMarstersOf- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
April 1, 2023 ICYMI First look at
@JamesMarstersOf in character as Miller Dalton in Casa Grande!!
@comingsoonnet exclusively shared 10 preview photos, including this one featuring James.
https://t.co/tdh9gqwxbF #JamesMarsters #CasaGrande @Johnny_Pypes @ESXentertain pic.twitter.com/RfvcoKOt5E- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
April 1, 2023 As always, you can also check out the embedded version on my LJ, if you prefer!
James Marsters C2E2 2023 Reports, Pics & Videos
https://t.co/OVl9jHVy7y @JamesMarstersOf #JamesMarsters @AllCharisma #DavidBoreanaz @MarcBlucas @C2E2 #C2E2 @BuffyTVS #Buffy #BuffytheVampireSlayer- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
April 1, 2023 Manually posted