Pic of the Day: When your bf is a bit of an ass... but will find any excuse to hold your hand...
@JamesMarstersOf & David Boreanaz having a nice bit of a hand-hold in
#Angel #5.8 "Destiny"
#JamesMarsters #DavidBoreanaz #BFIsOpenToInterpretation #Boyfriend #BestFriend #IDK pic.twitter.com/hIjrxcm6K1- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
January 10, 2023 .
@GhostoftheRobot | I’m in awe of what Sullivan is doing on this album. This is him adding the sound of a bird taking flight mixed with the shimmer of a moon lit ocean for ‘Over Now’. I’m not even kidding.
https://t.co/BvGvSRVz2u @JamesMarstersOf @_su11ivan_ pic.twitter.com/gJnE40luqW- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
January 10, 2023 James Marsters News+ My tweets: * Mon, 12:01: Pic of the Day:
@JamesMarstersOf just being so very excited to be here!
#JamesMarsters #GiggleSquee #IfEverAPictureSummedUpTheSentimentOfSquee #ItsThisOneRightHere #SQUEE…
https://t.co/JLXScZmIlD @JamesMarstersOf- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
January 10, 2023 .
@JamesMarstersOf | Pot O' Gold Recording has this unbelievable guitar rack just sitting, waiting to be used by any guitarist wanting to experiment. Fender Start, Gretch Jet, Les Paul Jr., Frankenstrat. Most studios have a dusty old acoustic, and a...
https://t.co/Q6QU28XLZA pic.twitter.com/Q4ZqmLrfMA- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
January 10, 2023 New Post: For The Puppies!
https://t.co/yxpxXkAnDY- News of Jim Butcher (@jimbutchernews)
January 10, 2023 Manually posted