- Tue, 12:01: Pic of the Day: @ JamesMarstersOf & @ carmenelectra messing about on Hollywood Squares 2001 #JamesMarsters #CarmenElectra #HollywoodSquares #IMean #WhoWouldnt https://t.co/xAskjZzPJx
- Tue, 12:58: RT @ naegnee: finally a spike fanart by me. finally an artwork made by me (it had been agEs) Anyway please love and appreciate my boi <3 @ J…
- Tue, 13:52: James Marsters News+ My tweets: * Mon, 12:01: Pic of the Day: Uh, excuse me... so sorry to interrupt... just wondering if you have a few minutes to talk about our lord & saviour... @ JamesMarstersOf & his miraculous blue eyes...… https://t.co/sEteb45v7s @ JamesMarstersOf
- Tue, 17:33: RT @ TheTab: Apologies in advance if you get Riley x https://t.co/G8acQHXNwB
- Tue, 22:38: Happy Birthday @ JensenAckles! I hope you have a kick-ass day! ♥🎂🎁🎉♥ #HappyBirthdayJensenAckles @ JamesMarstersOf @ AllCharisma @ cw_spn #Supernatural #SPN #SPNFamily https://t.co/ZVmEqm546q
- Wed, 06:25: FYI @ julietlandau will be joining @ JamesMarstersOf & @ RobiaMinistries at @ CloudsCon #SlaytheVampires4 October 15-16 in Paris, France. https://t.co/dmX7dLiWu1 https://t.co/llWV0fvAjK https://t.co/zAabEkGipI
- Wed, 10:10: RT @ julietlandau: Woo Hoo!!! I can't wait!!! https://t.co/PUC5dEVcZ8
Pic of the Day:
@JamesMarstersOf &
@carmenelectra messing about on Hollywood Squares 2001
#JamesMarsters #CarmenElectra #HollywoodSquares #IMean #WhoWouldnt pic.twitter.com/xAskjZzPJx- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
March 1, 2022 FYI
@julietlandau will be joining
@JamesMarstersOf &
@RobiaMinistries at
@CloudsCon #SlaytheVampires4 October 15-16 in Paris, France.
https://t.co/dmX7dLiWu1https://t.co/llWV0fvAjK https://t.co/zAabEkGipI- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
March 1, 2022