Pic of the Day:
@JamesMarstersOf &
@olreid being super intense about oranges... or, uh, them in the
#ThreeInches pilot... but mine's better...
#JamesMarsters #NoahReid #Oranges #IMeanILikeOrangesAsMuchAsTheNextPerson #ButThisLevelOfIntensityIsJustUnnecessary #UnlessAnaphylaxis pic.twitter.com/yS3b6JW2Rc- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
July 21, 2021 So I couldn't resist & OMG this is the most awesomely awful thing I've ever bought in my life!! I don't know what this is, but colouring book it aint!
Let me take you on a journey through the epicly crap experience that is the
@JamesMarstersOf Adult (NOT!!) Colouring Book...
pic.twitter.com/rARNo6BTqK- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
July 21, 2021 It begins...
I mean, good luck colouring any of these, am I right?!
pic.twitter.com/bCjsyyULRO- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
July 21, 2021 You will have noticed some fanart, now the blatant photoshop appears! (And some more fanart)
And a complete lack of ability to colour the damn 'colouring book.'
pic.twitter.com/kIopUt8GJB- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
July 21, 2021 But wait! There's more!!
Not only is there *more* fanart, this lot also features the page where they've seemingly just given up. It's literally just a black & white photo.
pic.twitter.com/9Sej5q5OQR- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
July 21, 2021 If you thought we were done with the Tumblr screenshots... Surprise!! There's more!!
This one even includes the name of the Tumblr they got the screenshot from! Congrats 'buffystyle' for getting a shout-out in this epic crapness!
pic.twitter.com/5vp7EVlalp- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
July 21, 2021 Yet *another* Tumblr screenshot. Sadly, no-one to credit this time...
Oh & a picture of a magazine article that is literally *all black*. Again, best of luck colouring in that beauty!
Like, how anyone can make the claim 'colouring book' with a straight face is mind-boggling!
pic.twitter.com/y8u3gfJXC8- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
July 21, 2021 So, let's see if we can figure out who to 'thank' for the epicly awesomely awful experience that is the
@JamesMarstersOf Celebrity Adult (NOT!!) Colouring Book...
...Evidently even the creator doesn't want their name attached to this piece of shit.
At least it was cheap.
pic.twitter.com/ZqdQqGvem6- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
July 21, 2021