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Jun 01, 2021 12:00

Pic of the Day: @JamesMarstersOf Captain John Hart #Torchwood @BBC promo pic #JamesMarsters #CaptainJohnHart #OoohLookHowShinyHisSwordIs #Uh #Wait #IDidntMeanForThatToSoundLikeInuendo #ButEverythingSoundsLikeInuendoWhenYoureTalkingTorchwood #InYourEndOh #TeeHeeHee
- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters) May 31, 2021

When you get a slight power-trip from playing a small part in cleaning house... (I have the power!! Or, I clicked some buttons, typed some stuff, whatever... power!) @JamesMarstersOf #JamesMarsters #IContributed #ToMakeJamesIMDbPageABetterPlace
- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters) May 31, 2021

#wait, event: pensacon, twitter updates, cast: james marsters, tv: torchwood pics, #teeheehee, #inyourendoh, #jamesmarsters, #uh, #michelleryan, james marsters credits, #metalhurlantchronicles, #buteverythingsoundslikeinuendowhenyoure, #seemslikeanicefellow, james marsters, #icontributed, #ididntmeanforthattosoundlikeinuendo, tv: buffy, #captainjohnhart, twitter, #pensacon, #tomakejamesimdbpageabetterplace, #ooohlookhowshinyhisswordis, tv: torchwood, #torchwood

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