Pic of the Day:
@JamesMarstersOf & Michelle Ryan looking stunning in silhouette while filming
@MetalHurlantTV #JamesMarsters #MichelleRyan #MetalHurlantChronicles #MetalHurlant #AintTheyPrettyThough #TheyShouldBeOnTVOrSomething pic.twitter.com/oMs0hbTCGm- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
January 11, 2021 I think I knew this intellectually, but I'd never thought of it in that context before. Like, can you imagine if Angel (or Spike) had hit on Dawn when we first met her?!
This has been stuck in my head & I needed to share my pain. Sorry, not sorry.
#BuffytheVampireSlayer pic.twitter.com/83gNMuXMxk- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
January 11, 2021