- Sat, 12:01: Pics of the Day: @ JamesMarstersOf & @ JohnBarrowman #Torchwood #2.13 "Exit Wounds" promo pics #JamesMarsters #JohnBarrowman #CaptainJohnHart #CaptainJackHarkness #CharismaticPsychopathReallyIsHisNiche #OwnIt https://t.co/B347iSKgVV
- Sat, 12:11: Well, that really sucks! Especially for those of us who were really looking forward to seeing @ JamesMarstersOf back! But thanks for 2 awesome seasons @ DennisHeaton2, et al! #TheOrder #TheOrderNetflix @ netflix https://t.co/CNXh4DlKgk
- Sat, 12:17: RT @ stalker_stream: This week on StreamStalker we feature @ JamesMarstersOf What an amazing body of work! Best known as Spike in #btvs, Jam…
- Sat, 13:36: James Marsters News+ My tweets: * Fri, 12:01: Pic of the Day: @ JamesMarstersOf as Barnabas Greeley in #Caprica #JamesMarsters #ThatIsADudeWhoNeedsAShower #AndAShave #AndATherapist #StillWouldThough #MaybeINeedATherapist… https://t.co/STUZzgwCEU @ JamesMarstersOf
- Sat, 13:54: RT @ boomstudios: ICYMI, here's a Sneak Peek at the finale of ANGEL & SPIKE! In stores 11/25. Learn more: https://t.co/ap2sV0uPW6 W: @ ZacBeT…
- Sun, 08:59: RT @ _su11ivan_: Wrote this one in Singapore awhile back in response to a poetry exercise given to us by an anti-government activist. https:…
Pics of the Day:
@JamesMarstersOf &
@JohnBarrowman #Torchwood #2.13 "Exit Wounds" promo pics
#JamesMarsters #JohnBarrowman #CaptainJohnHart #CaptainJackHarkness #CharismaticPsychopathReallyIsHisNiche #OwnIt pic.twitter.com/B347iSKgVV- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
November 14, 2020 Well, that really sucks! Especially for those of us who were really looking forward to seeing
@JamesMarstersOf back! But thanks for 2 awesome seasons
@DennisHeaton2, et al!
#TheOrder #TheOrderNetflix @netflix https://t.co/CNXh4DlKgk- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
November 14, 2020