- Tue, 12:01: Pic of the Day: @ JamesMarstersOf as Bobby Comfort in the 2005 movie Cool Money #JamesMarsters #CoolMoney… https://t.co/s7nbIKKUDx
- Tue, 12:52: RT @ JamesMarstersOf: In 1987 I had an eye opening experience. I was doing my first professional play at the Goodman Theatre in Chicago, and…
- Tue, 12:53: RT @ JamesMarstersOf: ...My love interest in the play had a crush on Don, and it was clear to me that she would rather be doing our scenes w…
- Tue, 12:53: RT @ JamesMarstersOf: ...I didn’t notice him approaching me, and was startled. In that moment my jealousy mixed with my insecurity and surpr…
- Tue, 12:53: RT @ JamesMarstersOf: ...was the message, “I’m white. I’m above you.” Don’s shoulders slumped and he said in a sad weary voice, “Not you too…
- Tue, 12:53: RT @ JamesMarstersOf: ...and I have a lot of work to do.” He said graciously, “At least you admit it” and gave me a pat on the shoulder. Tha…
- Tue, 12:53: RT @ JamesMarstersOf: ...TV shows, billboards, commercials, news, and cartoons. It’s a toxic soup that I marinate in. Today I say that I’m r…
- Tue, 12:54: RT @ JamesMarstersOf: Does anyone else have a similar experience where you were made aware of lies you were taught about race that you were…
- Tue, 13:11: James Marsters News+ My tweets: * Mon, 12:01: Pic of the Day: @ JamesMarstersOf, @ seamusdever, @ GeoffreyArend &… https://t.co/6bidbGvjBd
- Tue, 23:10: Happy Birthday @ SannyCloudy! I hope you have a great day! ♥🎂🎁🎉♥ #HappyBirthdaySannyVanHeteren @ JamesMarstersOf… https://t.co/TSHALTPBwc
- Wed, 06:08: RT @ _su11ivan_: T-3 days till the premiere of “We Grow Up (Sometimes...).” Feel free to stream the song in the meantime, link in bio. http…
- Wed, 06:44: RT @ jimbutchernews: Today's Dresden Drop: Chapter Two of Peace Talks, a Prediction Bingo contest, additional book discounts, and a long-awa…
Pic of the Day:
@JamesMarstersOf as Bobby Comfort in the 2005 movie Cool Money
#JamesMarsters #CoolMoney #ManWearsASuitWell #AndABuzzCutToo pic.twitter.com/zJOUxmVFqX- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
June 9, 2020 I think it just highlights exactly how important it is that a more thorough approach to educating children & adults alike in our histories is a vitally important step moving forward.
#BlackLivesMatter- James Marsters News➕ (@jamie_marsters)
June 9, 2020 Click to view